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Here my code, it's a two half problem, first find the word (in my example is 'atat'), thethen write everything to pdf, I stole it from from /master/Bio/AlignIO/ def write_alignment(self, alignment): from class ClustalWriter(SequentialAlignmentWriter) with some modding [I believe but not absolutely sure that ...A cell by definition is uniform in font and color... ]:


Here my code, it's a two half problem, first find the word (in my example is 'atat'), the write to pdf, I stole it from from /master/Bio/AlignIO/ def write_alignment(self, alignment): from class ClustalWriter(SequentialAlignmentWriter) :

Here my code, it's a two half problem, first find the word (in my example is 'atat'), then write everything to pdf, I stole it from from /master/Bio/AlignIO/ def write_alignment(self, alignment): from class ClustalWriter(SequentialAlignmentWriter) with some modding [I believe but not absolutely sure that ...A cell by definition is uniform in font and color... ]:


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adding, a second answer because the OP request about

I need to import the file and then highlight some specific word

was making me uneasy. I kept using the Pyfpdf2 library and made use of the Biopython SeqRecord.letter_annotations attribute to track Nucleotides index composing the words found by RegEx. Tried to use the page.search_for() of the PyMuPDF library directly on the output pdf of my previous answer but was not getting word accross line breaks [if anybody know better, please help].

Here my code, it's a two half problem, first find the word (in my example is 'atat'), the write to pdf, I stole it from from /master/Bio/AlignIO/ def write_alignment(self, alignment): from class ClustalWriter(SequentialAlignmentWriter) :

import re

from Bio import AlignIO  # Biopython 1.80

from fpdf import FPDF # pip install fpdf2

alignment ="Multi.txt", "clustal")

word_to_find = 'atat'

for rec in alignment:
    rec.letter_annotations['highlight'] = 'N'*len(rec.seq)

# for rec in alignment:    
#     print(' : ',, 'highlight : ', rec.letter_annotations['highlight'])
for rec in alignment:
    # print(str(rec.seq))
    found = [m.start() for m in re.finditer( '(?='+re.escape(word_to_find)+')' , re.escape(str(rec.seq.replace('-', 'Z'))))]
    # print( , ' found : ', found)
    for i in found :
            a = list(rec.letter_annotations['highlight'])
            a[i:i+len(word_to_find)] = 'Y'*len(word_to_find)
            rec.letter_annotations['highlight'] = ''.join(i for i in a)
            # print(rec.letter_annotations['highlight'])

max_length = alignment.get_alignment_length()

# stolen from /master/Bio/AlignIO/   def write_alignment(self, alignment): from class ClustalWriter(SequentialAlignmentWriter):
def write_alignment(alignment):
        x = 2
        y = 2

        pdf = FPDF(orientation="P", unit="mm", format="A4")
        # Add a page

        pdf.add_font('FreeMono', '', 'FreeMono.ttf')

        pdf.set_font("FreeMono", size = 12)
        pdf.set_fill_color(255, 255, 0)

        """Use this to write (another) single alignment to an open file."""
        if len(alignment) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Must have at least one sequence")
        if alignment.get_alignment_length() == 0:
            # This doubles as a check for an alignment object
            raise ValueError("Non-empty sequences are required")

        # Old versions of the parser in Bio.Clustalw used a ._version property
            version = str(alignment._version)
        except AttributeError:
            version = ""
        if not version:
            version = "1.81"
        if version.startswith("2."):
            # e.g. 2.0.x
            output = f"CLUSTAL {version} multiple sequence alignment"
            # e.g. 1.81 or 1.83
            output = f"CLUSTAL X ({version}) multiple sequence alignment"
        pdf.cell(0, y, txt = output , border = 0,  new_x='LMARGIN'  , new_y="NEXT" ,  align = 'L', fill = False)
        pdf.cell(0, 4*y, txt = '' , border = 0,  new_x='LMARGIN'  , new_y="NEXT" ,  align = 'L', fill = False)

        cur_char = 0
        # # max_length = len(alignment[0])
        max_length = alignment.get_alignment_length()

        if max_length <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Non-empty sequences are required")

        if "clustal_consensus" in alignment.column_annotations:
            star_info = alignment.column_annotations["clustal_consensus"]
                # This was originally stored by Bio.Clustalw as ._star_info
                star_info = alignment._star_info
            except AttributeError:
                star_info = None

        # keep displaying sequences until we reach the end
        rec_cnt = 0
        while cur_char != max_length:
            # calculate the number of sequences to show, which will
            # be less if we are at the end of the sequence
            if (cur_char + 50) > max_length:
                show_num = max_length - cur_char
                show_num = 50

            # go through all of the records and print out the sequences
            # when we output, we do a nice 80 column output, although this
            # may result in truncation of the ids.
            for record in alignment:
                rec_cnt += 1 
                # Make sure we don't get any spaces in the record
                # identifier when output in the file by replacing
                # them with underscores:
                line =[0:30].replace(" ", "_").ljust(50)
                pdf.cell(50, y, txt = line, border = 0,  new_x='RIGHT' , align = 'L', fill = False)

                line_seq = list(str(record.seq[cur_char : (cur_char + show_num)]))
                line_seq_highlight = list(str(record.letter_annotations['highlight'][cur_char : (cur_char + show_num)]))
                for i in range(len(line_seq)):
                    if line_seq_highlight[i] == 'N' :
                        filling = False
                    if line_seq_highlight[i] == 'Y' :
                        filling = True
                        filling = False
                    pdf.cell(x, y, txt = line_seq[i], border = 0,  new_x= 'RIGHT' ,  align = 'C', fill = filling)
                pdf.cell(x, 2*y, txt = ' ' , border = 0,  new_x="LMARGIN" , new_y="NEXT" ,  align = 'L', fill = False)
                # now we need to print out the star info, if we've got it
                if star_info and rec_cnt == len(alignment):
                    pdf.cell(x, 2*y, txt = ' ' , border = 0,  new_x="LMARGIN" , new_y="NEXT" ,  align = 'L', fill = False)
                    rec_cnt = 0
                    # print(star_info)
                    line = (' ' * 50)
                    pdf.cell(50, y, txt = line, border = 0,  new_x='RIGHT' , align = 'L', fill = False)
                    star_info_seq = list(str(star_info[cur_char : (cur_char + show_num)]))

                    for i in range(len(star_info_seq)):
                        pdf.cell(x, y, txt = star_info_seq[i], border = 0,  new_x= 'RIGHT' ,  align = 'C', fill = False)

                pdf.cell(x, 2*y, txt = ' ' , border = 0,  new_x="LMARGIN" , new_y="NEXT" ,  align = 'L', fill = False)
            cur_char += show_num  
            pdf.cell(x, 3*y, txt = ' ' , border = 0,  new_x="LMARGIN" , new_y="NEXT" ,  align = 'L', fill = False)



I tested it, with the Multi.txt Clustal alignment from above, output is

out.pdf :

enter image description here

One last note:

needed to replace - with Z in the Consensus string to be able to get reliable results from the RegEX line : found = [m.start() for m in re.finditer( '(?='+re.escape(word_to_find)+')' , re.escape(str(rec.seq.replace('-', 'Z'))))] , not sure what is going on here, got the snippet from a SO post.