Hi I am using Salmon quantitation for multiple fastq paired files using following code
for dir in "${fastq_dir}"/SRR*
r1_file=$(find "$dir" -name "*_1.fastq")
r2_file=$(find "$dir" -name "*_2.fastq")
samp=$(basename "$dir")
echo "Processing sample ${samp}"
salmon quant -i "$salmon_index" -l A -1 "$r1_file" -2 "$r2_file" -p 10 -o "salmon_out/${samp}_quant"
and getting this error after it iterates over all files and start initial processing steps.
Processing sample SRR27756943_2.fastq Version Info: This is the most recent version of salmon.
salmon (selective-alignment-based) v1.10.0
Exception : [ The following errors were detected with the read files
ERROR: file [] does not appear to exist!
Processing sample SRR27756943_2.fastq
Version Info: This is the most recent version of salmon.
### salmon (selective-alignment-based) v1.10.0
Exception : [
The following errors were detected with the read files
ERROR: file [] does not appear to exist!
Any solution?