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Apr 2 at 9:54 comment added ms609 "maximum number of steps" corresponds to the maximum number of steps that can be reconstructed using Fitch parsimony. Five changes from 0→1 is possible, but less parsimonious than two changes from 1→0. Less parsimonious still, but still compatible with the data, is a million unobserved steps from 0→1 and back again.
Oct 25, 2018 at 15:54 comment added Namenlos Thank you for this. Could you just edit your answer to explain why in the scenario you sketch above the five-time occurrence of character state 1 is not used in calculating the maximum number of steps? What I find confusing is that if character state 1 occurs five times, could that not represent five independent (i.e., homoplasious) character state changes?
Oct 25, 2018 at 15:15 history edited Kohl Kinning CC BY-SA 4.0
Oct 25, 2018 at 14:48 history answered Kohl Kinning CC BY-SA 4.0