I have plotted a triangular plot,that three dimensions of which represent three herbal strategies. One dimension represents the strategy of C (competitive plant), the second dimension “S” (stress tolerant plants) and the third dimension”R” (ruderal plants), as you can see in the image below,[![enter image description here][1]][1]
the points on it represent the plant species. Now I am trying to write name of the plant species outside the triangle and connect with the arrow to the corresponding point. How do I do this work?
Many thanks in advance as it would help me a lot in my work.
#Plot two stylised plots side by side, and plot data
par(mfrow=c(1, 1), mar=rep(0.3, 4))
TernaryPlot(atip='C%', btip='R%', ctip='S%',
point='UP', lab.cex=0.8, grid.minor.lines=0,
grid.lty='solid', col='#FFFFFF', grid.col='GREY',
axis.col=rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), ticks.col=rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
data_points <- list("Bromus dantonia" = c(47, 59, 149),
"Calamagrosis psoudo phragmatis" = c(90, 102, 63),
"Carex diluta" = c(109, 64, 82),
"Carex divisa" = c(96, 99, 59),
"Carex pseudocyperus" = c(130, 71, 54),
"Carex stenophylla" = c(97, 98, 59),
"Catabrosa aquatica" = c(100, 5, 150),
"Centaurea iberica" = c(124, 85, 46),
"Cirsium hygrophilum" = c(158, 42, 55),
"Cladium mariscus" = c(159, 96, 0),
"cod2" = c(54, 82, 119),
"Cynodon dactylon" = c(121, 54, 80),
"Eleocharis palustri" = c(124, 100, 31),
"Epilobium parviflorum" = c(67, 80, 107),
"Eromopoa persica" = c(83, 15, 157),
"Funaria cf.microstoma" = c(8, 0, 247),
"Glaux maritime" = c(4, 196, 55),
"Hordeum brevisubulatum" = c(76, 70, 109),
"Hordeum glaucum" = c(40, 79, 136),
"Inula britannica" = c(95, 108, 51),
"Juncus articulatus" = c(107, 79, 69),
"Blysmus compressus" = c(81, 127, 47),
"Juncusinflexus"= c(149, 106, 0),
"Medicago polymorpha" = c(60, 86, 109),
"Mentha spicata" = c(150, 23, 82),
"Ononis spinosa" = c(66, 112, 77),
"Phragmites australis" = c(234, 0, 21),
"Plantago amplexicaulis" = c(108, 83, 64),
"Poa trivialis" = c(90, 28, 138),
"Polygonum paronychioides" = c(20, 12, 223),
"Potentila reptans" = c(106, 41, 108),
"Potentilla anserina" = c(105, 58, 91),
"Ranunculus grandiflorus" = c(129, 25, 101),
"Schoenus nigricans" = c(143, 91, 21),
"Setaria viridis" = c(10, 7, 238),
"Sonchus oleraceus" = c(178, 0, 77),
"Taraxacum officinale" = c(117, 28, 110),
"Trifolium repens" = c(94, 4, 157),
"Triglochin martima" = c(63, 96, 95),
"Veronica anagallis-aquatica" = c(55, 37, 163)
AddToTernary(points, data_points, pch=21, cex=1.2,
function (x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], 128, maxColorValue=255),
AddToTernary(text, data_points, names(data_points), cex=0.8, font=1)
```[![enter image desc[![enter image description here][3]][3]ription here][2]][2]
[1]: https://i.sstatic.net/NCzg7.jpg
[2]: https://i.sstatic.net/08MHS.jpg
[3]: https://i.sstatic.net/AmETk.jpg