I'm trying to subset my seurat object based on colnames. I have gone ahead and labeled each cluster and now I want to subset all the colnames that are in Cancer_human for human_colnames and all the barcodes that are not in Cancer_human for mouse_colnames but get an error.
human_colnames = colnames(scData[,scData$cell_ann == "Cancer_human"])
mouse_colnames = colnames(scData[,!scData$cell_ann == "Cancer_human"])
Error in `[.Seurat`(scData, , scData$cell_ann == "Cancer_human") : Incorrect number of logical values provided to subset cells
I'm filtering on colnames not rownames. I want all the barcodes from the Cancer_human.
. $\endgroup$so
,so[, i]
and so[[j]][i] both give information about celli
. $\endgroup$