I'm running a bioinformatics pipeline to analyze large nanopore sequencing files using FastQC. However, I keep running into an OutOfMemoryError
. Here's what happens:
Unknown option: memory
Started analysis of SQK-NBD114-24_barcode16.fastq
Approx 5% complete for SQK-NBD114-24_barcode16.fastq
Approx 40% complete for SQK-NBD114-24_barcode16.fastq
Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at uk.ac.babraham.FastQC.Utilities.QualityCount.<init>(QualityCount.java:33)
at uk.ac.babraham.FastQC.Modules.PerBaseQualityScores.processSequence(PerBaseQualityScores.java:141)
at uk.ac.babraham.FastQC.Analysis.AnalysisRunner.run(AnalysisRunner.java:89)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
^CError: FastQC failed for /home/jupyter/bioinfo_pipeline/demuxed_2/SQK-NBD114-24_barcode16.fastq. Exiting pipeline.
I attempted to allocate more memory by setting FASTQC_MEMORY="4g"
and running FastQC with the following script:
# Allocate more memory to FastQC (e.g., 4GB)
# Loop over all .fastq files in the demuxed directory
for filename in "$DEMUX_DIR"/*.fastq; do
echo -e "\nProcessing $filename..."
#-= STEP 3 - SECOND quality control (FASTQC and NANOQC) =-
echo -e "\n~~~~~~-= Step 3, QC =-~~~~~~\n"
OUTPUT_PC="$filename" # Assuming OUTPUT_PC refers to the current .fastq file
# Run FASTQC with increased memory allocation
fastqc --outdir="$OUTPUT_QC" --memory="$FASTQC_MEMORY" "$OUTPUT_PC"
# Check if FastQC failed due to memory issues or other errors
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: FastQC failed for $filename. Exiting pipeline."
exit 1
But it seems like 4GB isn't enough, as the process still crashes. The file I'm working with is quite large (Nanopore sequencing data):
-rw-r--r-- 1 jupyter jupyter 442198080 Aug 27 14:49 SQK-NBD114-24_barcode16.fastq
According to free -h
, I have 22 GiB of available memory. How much memory should I allocate to FastQC to prevent these errors? Is there a rule of thumb or specific calculation I should use when working with large .fastq
option? That doesn't seem to exist. Note the first line of your error output:Unknown option: memory
. On my fastqc version 0.12.1, the--memory
option is known, but only takes values in megabytes. Check that your version i) has a--memory
option and ii) it can accept the string4g
as a valid value. $\endgroup$FastQC v0.11.9