I subset a BAM to only include primary reads using the following samtools commands:
samtools view -F 256 input.bam > input.primaryOnly.sam
Now, in order to convert this SAM into a new subsetted BAM, I would need to add a header. The way I normally do this is with Picard:
java -jar picard.jar ReplaceSamHeader \
I=input.primaryOnly.sam \
HEADER=input.header.sam \
whereby the header input.header.sam
is from the original BAM:
samtools view -H input.bam > input.header.sam
Then I could convert the SAM into a BAM with
samtools view -S -b i new.sam > new.bam
My problem is, I'm using the original BAM header. If I look back at the BAM, it now contains wrong information, e.g.
samtools flagstat new.bam
might save that secondary alignments exist, when they don't.
How do I get a BAM header that makes sense given my new BAM (with only primary alignments)?
samtools flagstat
looks at the statistics for the reads, not the header. The thing that would possibly change in the header would be sequence lengths (i.e. fromsamtools idxstats
), but as long as the reference sequence is the same for your original and new BAM, that won't be a problem. $\endgroup$