Is it ever ok to use Seurat for clustering bulk samples?
I am looking at FPKM data from ~750 bulk RNA-seq samples generated using Cufflinks
. As suggested for FPKM data, I manually input log transformed data to the @data
slot [cd138_bm@data <- log([email protected] + 1)
] and skip the NormalizeData()
function. I then use functions FindVariableGenes
, ScaleData
, RunPCA
, FindClusters
, FindAllMarkers
in their usual ways to find clusters & cluster markers. My clustering results are quite reasonable, and reflect published work clustering similar samples.
What are the potential pitfalls of using these Seurat functions on bulk data? In FindAllMarkers
, would you recommend I use the "negbinom" test? (currently using wilcox) Any other arguments you would recommend changing from the default?