I’m trying to run a Nextflow workflow in a custom Docker container. Without Docker, the workflow succeeds. But running it inside the container leads to an error because a dependent file cannot be found.
Here’s a minimal script to illustrate the issue (similar to the basic Nextflow script example):
params.reference = "/data/reference/GRCh38.fa"
reference = file(params.reference)
fastq_channel = Channel.fromFilePairs('/data/fastq/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz')
process map_reads {
set sample, '?.fastq.gz' from fastq_channel
file("${sample}.sam") into sam_channel
echo 'bwa mem -Y "$reference" 1.fastq.gz 2.fastq.gz >${sample}.sam'
stat -t "${reference}.bwt"
Running this inside a container will cause the path of the query, /some/fastq/
, to be mounted inside the container. However, the path to the database, /data/reference
, will not be mounted. Consequently, I get the following execution error:
stat: cannot stat 'GRCh38-chr21.fa.bwt': No such file or directory
Without the container, the command succeeds.
I understand why the error occurs: Nextflow doesn’t track the dependency on $reference
inside the command, and thus doesn’t mount its path in the container.
My question is, how do I fix this? The documentation is silent on this regard, and none of the workflows I can find online address the problem. For example, the GATK4 IARC workflows would presumably have the same issue, and aren’t configured for use with Docker.
Just adding the reference
as a process input is insufficient, since BWA requires various other index files. Am I supposed to add these all manually as inputs?