I have the genotyped data from impute2 output in .gen format (imputed to 1000G P3). The file has genotype posterior probabilities (GP:3 values per variant). I have converted .gen to .vcf using qctools and the .vcf file has GT:GP format. I need to convert the .vcf file with GT:GP format to GT:DS. Genotype dosages are recommended for use in qtltools/fastqtl analysis. However, I cannot find a tool that would keep the .vcf format and convert GP to DS. Any help much appreciated!
3 Answers
You can do this in Hail.
Here's the rough code to do it (0.1 versions).
from hail import *
hc = HailContext()
Import the .gen file. VCF works too:
dataset = hc.import_gen(
Remap the genotype schema and export to VCF:
dataset.annotate_genotypes_expr('g = {GT: g.call(), DS: g.dosage()}')\
Take a look at the getting started page if you want to try it out!
I should note that you may be able to do QTL analyses in Hail, depending on the method you want to use. See blog post here.
Hm, I didn't know that the plugin existed so I wrote my own script to convert GP to minor allele dosage on github. Maybe someone else will find it useful :) https://github.com/7methylg/VCF-GP-to-DS
There's the dosage plugin for bcftools, but it only outputs tab separated values. It would not be too hard to extend the plugin to output a VCF with the DS tag instead, but it has not been done yet. There's a good chance the bcftools devs would respond to a feature request...
In any case, this code:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samtools/bcftools/develop/test/convert.vcf > convert.vcf
bcftools +dosage convert.vcf > output.tsv
head -2 output.tsv
has the output:
#[1]CHROM [2]POS [3]REF [4]ALT [5]NA00001 [6]NA00002 [7]NA00003 [8]NA00004 [9]NA00005 [10]NA00006 [11]NA00007 [12]NA00008 [13]NA00009 [14]NA00010
X 2698560 G A 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
This is using bcftools version 1.3.1.
Here is an excerpt from the bcftools manual for the dosage plugin:
print genotype dosage. By default the plugin searches for PL, GL and GT, in that order.