I have downloaded some orthologues from ensembl website in fasta format. The problem is that it uses the ensembl sequence id as name for the sequences. I want to know the species name or any other information about the sequence (chromosome, location...) For example for this sequence id: ENSMODP00000018933. How can I do that? I have been looking at the REST API but the most I can find is an API call for getting the sequence passing the id as parameter. https://rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/sequence_id I have also tried this API call but does not work for sequence ids: https://rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/xref_id
1 Answer
The lookup/id endpoint will get it for you. Of you can just look up the three letter species code, in this case MOD, on the list in the documentation.
$\begingroup$ I made a script that uses the list in the documentation. The lookup returns me almost always that: {"error":"Expand option only available for Genes and Transcripts"} Thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 26, 2019 at 18:21