
I am using WGCNA to identify Consensus modules. I get a warning message when completing the following step:

Call the network topology analysis function for each set in turn


Warning message: executing %dopar% sequentially: no parallel backend registered

Does anyone no what this error code means as I cannot plot the scale free analysis, with soft thresholding.

Thank you

powers = c(seq(4,10, by=1), seq(12,20, by=2)) powerTables = vector(mode= "list", length = nSets) for( set in 1:nSets) powerTables[[set]] = list(data=pickSoftThreshold(multiExpr[[set]]$data, powerVector= powers, verbose =2)[[2]])

  • $\begingroup$ Please add your code giving the error and especially the packages you have loaded. $\endgroup$
    – haci
    Commented Oct 9, 2019 at 20:53

2 Answers 2


I think you forgot to load (or install) the doParallel package as the error warning message is complaining about the lack of a parallel backend. library("doParallel") should do the trick.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you, I have tried this.. but still getting same error message. Packages I installed now are; edgeR, limma, doParallel, WGCNA $\endgroup$
    – holly
    Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 7:51

What you see is a warning, not an error. Your calculation will run fine, just slower. Unless you see other errors, you should be able to complete all steps of the analysis.


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