I am interested in using RDP classifier and RDPTools at the command line. In following the docs from RDP, I ran into this issue during the build, after running make
/home/denir/bin/RDPTools/Clustering/nbproject/build-impl.xml:896: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/denir/bin/RDPTools/Clustering/nbproject/build-impl.xml:1470: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/denir/bin/RDPTools/AlignmentTools/nbproject/build-impl.xml:896: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/denir/bin/RDPTools/AlignmentTools/nbproject/build-impl.xml:1414: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/denir/bin/RDPTools/ReadSeq/nbproject/build-impl.xml:920: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/denir/bin/RDPTools/ReadSeq/nbproject/build-impl.xml:300: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Total time: 1 second
Makefile:15: recipe for target 'Clustering/dist/Clustering.jar' failed
make: *** [Clustering/dist/Clustering.jar] Error 1
As one user suggested, I have tried downgrading from ant 1.10 to ant 1.9, this didn't work for me.
I would rather not downgrade to JDK 7 as another user suggested if possible so I am looking for alternatives. One user was able to install rdp classifier with bioconda. I was able to do that OK. However, I'm not sure where to go from here? The tutorial provided with commands like:
java -Xmx2g -jar ~/RDPTools/Clustering.jar derep -m '#=GC_RF' -o derep.fa all_seqs.ids all_seqs.samples alignment/*.fasta
Depend on the build created using the install method recommended by RDP.
Does anyone else use rdp classifier installed via conda? Is there a quickstart guide out there that I could refer to? Thanks so much for your help!
file? Also, please edit your question and add your operating system. If you are on Linux, and the issue is that you don't know where the jar file is, trysudo updatedb; locate Clustering.jar
. $\endgroup$