I am trying to code a shiny app for RNA-Seq data analysis.
I would like to include glimma interactive plots in it.
However, in my current interface, clicking the action button Glimma plot
opens the glimma interface in a new page of my web browser and not in the shiny UI.
I use shiny
, glimma
and EdgeR
. Here is my code:
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton(inputId="run.glimma", label="Glimma plot"),
server <- function(input, output, session){
observeEvent(input$run.glimma, {
glMDSPlot(dgeObj.norm(), labels=rownames(dgeObj.norm()$samples), groups=dgeObj.norm()$samples[,as.character(input$mds.grouping.feature)])
output$glimma <- renderUI({
I only indicated the part of the code that I use to generate the glimma
MDS plot.
Is there a way to display the glimma
plots in the shiny app UI and not in a new webpage ?
Thank you