I have hundreds of bacterial genomes and I would like to know which is the best informatic tool in which I can run all genomes on one go and get a 16S rRNA gene sequence of each genome as output.
Could anyone give me some advice?
I have hundreds of bacterial genomes and I would like to know which is the best informatic tool in which I can run all genomes on one go and get a 16S rRNA gene sequence of each genome as output.
Could anyone give me some advice?
You can use Barrnap
barrnap -k bac --threads "$(nproc)" \
-o output_rrna.fna < input_file.fna \
> output_rrna.gff 2> /dev/null
Put the file in one line of sequence per fasta id and get sequence with 16S annotation.
perl -pe 'if(/\>/){s/\n/\t/}; s/\n//; s/\>/\n\>/' output_rrna.fa | \
perl -pe 's/\t/\n/' | tail -n+2 | cut -d\: -f1 | \
grep -A1 16S > output_16S.fasta
Check the output_rrna.gff
and make a BLAST of the sequence to be sure about the predicted 16S.
You can perform genome annotation using tools like prokka or PGAP. Using some python scripts you can extract the predicted 16S and blast to confirm.