I have Pol_II data for Ctrl vs Knockout condition with two replicates each. I want to calculate the pausing index for the Ctrl vs KO condition.
Here I have given tag directory as input to Homer.Now what I see is as such,for each biological replicate it calculates the pausing ratio.How can I calculate as a whole like 2 Ctrl vs 2 KO replicate?
I'm giving a sample of the output.
Any help or suggestion would be really appreciated.
structure(list(`Transcript/RepeatID (cmd=analyzeRepeats.pl rna hg38 -strand both -count pausing -condenseGenes -d Control_Pol_II_new_set/ Control_Pol_II_set2/ PTPN6_KO_Pol_II_PTPEN/ PTPN6_KO_Pol_II_set2/ -rpkm)` = c("NM_173803",
"NM_001301039", "NR_132775", "NM_022114", "NM_001011666", "NR_160728"
), chr = c("chr16", "chr1", "chr3", "chr1", "chr7", "chr19"),
start = c(15395704, 150272234, 13618331, 3069153, 28686083,
22527485), end = c(15400754, 150277284, 13623381, 3074203,
28691133, 22532535), strand = c("+", "+", "+", "+", "+",
"-"), Length = c(250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250), Copies = c(2,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1), `Annotation/Divergence` = c("MPV17L|M-LPH|MLPH1|MLPH2|MPV17L1|-|16p13.11|protein-coding",
"C1orf54|-|-|1q21.2|protein-coding", "SNORA93|-|-|3p25.1|snoRNA",
"CREB5|CRE-BPA|CREB-5|CREBPA|-|7p15.1|protein-coding", "LOC105376917|-|-|19p12|ncRNA"
), `Control_Pol_II_new_set/ Pausing Ratio` = c(0.982, 1.832,
1.114, 1.247, 3.476, 0.632), `Control_Pol_II_new_set/ Promoter Reads (-50,200)` = c(0.125,
0.748, 0.249, 0.873, 0.499, 0), `Control_Pol_II_new_set/ GeneBody Reads (200,5000)` = c(0.13,
0.338, 0.208, 0.669, 0.032, 0.091), `Control_Pol_II_set2/ Pausing Ratio` = c(0.686,
1.131, 1.054, 0.816, 2.205, 1.005), `Control_Pol_II_set2/ Promoter Reads (-50,200)` = c(0.1,
0.7, 0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1), `Control_Pol_II_set2/ GeneBody Reads (200,5000)` = c(0.203,
0.604, 0.089, 0.396, 0.068, 0.099), `PTPN6_KO_Pol_II_PTPEN/ Pausing Ratio` = c(1.08,
1.362, 1.108, 1.224, 1.943, 1.2), `PTPN6_KO_Pol_II_PTPEN/ Promoter Reads (-50,200)` = c(0.151,
0.602, 0.151, 0.301, 0.452, 0.151), `PTPN6_KO_Pol_II_PTPEN/ GeneBody Reads (200,5000)` = c(0.125,
0.392, 0.118, 0.212, 0.141, 0.094), `PTPN6_KO_Pol_II_set2/ Pausing Ratio` = c(1.652,
0.909, 1.551, 1.395, 1.774, 0.584), `PTPN6_KO_Pol_II_set2/ Promoter Reads (-50,200)` = c(0.429,
0.536, 0.429, 0.536, 0.321, 0.107), `PTPN6_KO_Pol_II_set2/ GeneBody Reads (200,5000)` = c(0.206,
0.603, 0.229, 0.346, 0.123, 0.279)), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -6L))