You are on the latest version of SingleCellExperiment most likely. You should not go back to using the old version. One thing is to check out the new tutorial. In any case, the purpose of altExp() is to provide another slot of ERCC reads and MT.. etc.
So in your example (super not recommended to watch video btw) :
molecules = read.delim("",stringsAsFactors=FALSE,row.names=1)
annotation = read.delim("",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
We can pull out the spike in and mt genes:
Spikein_names = grep("^ERCC-",rownames(molecules),value=TRUE)
SpikeIn = molecules[Spikein_names,]
g = genes(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)
MTgene_names = g[seqnames(g)=="MT"]$gene_id
MTgenes = molecules[rownames(molecules) %in% MTgene_names,]
Have a vector of genes to keep:
keep = setdiff(rownames(molecules),c(SpikeIn,MTgenes))
Then make the single cell object:
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
Use altExp to slot in the stuff:
altExp(sce, "spike-in") <- SummarizedExperiment(SpikeIn)
altExp(sce, "MTgenes") <- SummarizedExperiment(MTgenes)