How could I filter outputs of a process in the input of the next process? Filtering works fine in channel, but if I try to filter outputs I got compilation error. I tried as follows:
.set {data}
process step1a {
tuple val(sample_name), path(bfiles) from data
tuple val("${prefix}"), path("${prefix}.{bed,bim,fam}") into (step1a_out,step1a_bim)
plink --bfile "${sample_name}" --chr 1-22 --out "${prefix}.step1b" --make-bed
process step1b {
tuple val(bim), path(bims) from step1a_bim.filter{bim, files -> name =~/*bim/}
tuple val(sample_name), path(bfiles) from step1a_out
tuple val("${sample_name}"), path("${sample_name}.step1c.{bed,bim,fam}") into step1b_results
awk '{ if ((\\\$5=="T" && \\\$6=="A")||(\\\$5=="A" && \\\$6=="T")||(\\\$5=="C" && \\\$6=="G")||(\\\$5=="G" && \\\$6=="C")) print \\\$2, "ambig" ; else print \\\$2 ;}' "${prefix}.step1b.bim" | grep ambig > "${prefix}.step1b.snplist.txt"
plink --bfile "${prefix}.step1b" --exclude "${prefix}.step1b.snplist.txt" --make-bed --out "${prefix}.step1c"
It gives me
Compilation error
-cause: Unexpected input: '{'
process step1b {
Step1a gives me chr1.step1b.bed|bim|fam, chr2.step1b.bed|bim|fam.......chr22.step1b.bed|bim|fam (22 plink files) I need to access prefix of those outputs to run plink and other tools to generate chr1.step1c.bed|bim|fam ...chr22.step1c.bed|bim|fam (another 22 plink files). run awk to generate chr1.step1b.snplist.txt .... chr22.step1b.snplist.txt (22 txt files). Any help to filter the inputs so that I could use only *bim files from step1a_bim? Also how to select prefix of files in the input of processes that are from step1a_out to run plink? Does it make sense now?
Best Reagrds Zillur