I have set of ~5 processes which perform very similar tasks such that their differences can be parameterized. Rather than putting 5 items through some channel (which seems complicated), or defining 5 separate processes, it appears to be possible in Nextflow to declare the processes in a for loop, and output into an array of channels.
Below is a prototypical example and it seems to work as intended. (I understand this could be done differently with some channel cross product operator but I am just giving this as an example of a process in a for loop.)
Is there anything wrong with doing this? Is there a better way to do it?
Bonus question - the name of the process below is "foo". I would like to have the index reflected in the name i.e. "foo_$i" but this doesn't seem possible by default - any way to do this??
some_inputs = ['prot','dna', 'rna']
some_parameters = [5,3,2,7,1]
// Set up an array of channels to output to
receivers = new ArrayList<Channel>()
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// Iterate 5 times to create 5 processes each with different parameters
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// WOW - process can be defined inside a for loop!!
process "foo" {
// Extract parameters here so correct $i value is used
p = some_parameters[i]
val x from Channel.from(some_inputs)
val "$x $p" into receivers[i] // Note that correct index $i seems to be used here
// Confirm that each of the processes outputted independently with the correct parameter
receivers[0].view { "Received[0]: $it" }
receivers[1].view { "Received[1]: $it" }
receivers[2].view { "Received[2]: $it" }
receivers[3].view { "Received[3]: $it" }
receivers[4].view { "Received[4]: $it" }
Output - note that the parameter is consistent within each input channel i.e. working correctly:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 20.10.0
Launching `play.nf` [fabulous_keller] - revision: c89e2b2281
executor > local (15)
[10/b477ec] process > foo (3) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[16/8282ba] process > foo (2) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[db/f7327e] process > foo (1) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[fb/886f6f] process > foo (1) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[46/c34ed3] process > foo (1) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
Received[1]: rna 3
Received[1]: prot 3
Received[4]: rna 1
Received[2]: rna 2
Received[0]: dna 5
Received[2]: dna 2
Received[2]: prot 2
Received[0]: prot 5
Received[3]: rna 7
Received[0]: rna 5
Received[1]: dna 3
Received[3]: dna 7
Received[4]: dna 1
Received[3]: prot 7
Received[4]: prot 1