My whole (professional) life I am downloading sequences from SRA and ENA databases. Long time ago, I used prefetch from sra-tools, but later I switched to simply using wget from ftp servers of the two respective servers (used to work for both SRA and ENA). But it seems that SRA ftp server does not have the same data in there anymore and I kind of worry about reproducibility of my old pipelines - so what happened to sra ftp server?
The paths that used to work were formatted as follows${ACCESION::3}/${ACCESION::6}/"$ACCESION"/"$ACCESION".sra
but it seems sra-instant
directory is not accessible anymore. Did the files move? Or were the access been just restricted?
The alternative workaround is to dl the files using prefetch
instead of wgetting. Prefetch is part of sra-tools and available on conda and it's not such a bad solution. I guess I am mostly curious what happened to the ftp server and if anyone knows what is coming next, is ENA going to restrict the access too some time soon?