Use an awk script (below) or "one-liner"
awk '{name = "> "; field = 2; while ( $field + 0 != $field ) { name = name " " $field; field = field+1 } ; field = NF; if ( $field + 0 == $field ) { field = field -1 }; while ( $field + 0 != $field ) { field = field - 1 }; field = field - 1; seq = $field; gsub(/-/, "", seq); print name; print seq}' the_m8_file.m8 > the_fasta_file.fasta
Caveat emptor: I've tested this on my own Foldseek outputs and it works for my pedestrian purposes of multisequence alignment with COBALT. I haven't tested it with PROSS but expect it should work for you too.
Long answer:
Using this definition of m8 (which is a modification of the BLAST m8 format):
And this definition of FASTA:
We see we want to take lines like this (I've added [...] here to show what I've cut off for brevity):
job.pdb_A Some matched structure name 51.100 311 138 8 2 305 25 328 1.000 2.790E-35 1272 306 334 VDVSVSIFINKIYGVNTLEQTYKVDGYIVAQWTGKPR--KTPGDKPLIVENTQIERWINNGLWVPALEFINVVGSPDTGNKRLMLFPDGRVIYNARFLGSFSNDMDFRLFPFDRQQFVLELEPFSYNNQQLRF--SDIQVYTENIDN[...] -27.488,-8.287,-35.993,-26.838,-4.500,-36.421,-25.278,-3.958,-32.938,-22.398,-6.436,-33.555,-21.375,-4.861,-36.892,-21.373,-1.326,-35.385,-19.237,-2.585,--18.044,-1.289,8.073,-14.345,-2.072,7.367,-15.099,-5.282,5.328,-16.872,-3.358,2.522,-16.876,-5.018,-0.77 [...] MIKKEILSAIASLVWFCSPALYAQYVVDTSVSINKIYGVNTVDQTYKVDGYLVTSWDEPDPTYRPASGERVYENHHADQLMNDGLWVPAFEFINIIGQRQTANRRVVISADGRVTYNERFQGLFTTTMDFRQFPFDYQTFVLMMEPFSYEQKQL[...] 1918945 Vibrio spartinae
and map them to entries like:
>some matched structure name
We can do this with an awk script (The awk manual is your friend here Put the following in a file somewhere handy and call it using awk -f m8_to_fasta.awk my_m8_file.m8 > my_fasta_file.fasta
you may want to combine this with head, tail, and/or grep to reduce the number of sequences that end up in your output.
#! /bin/awk
name = "> "
# start on the second field, foldseek will put the job name in $1
field = 2
# Check each field until we see numbers
while ( $field + 0 != $field ) {
name = name " " $field
field = field+1
# name now contains the name string which is the first line of a fasta entry
field = NF
# Now find the matched sequence
# Sometimes an entry ENDS in a number, so we strip that
if ( $field + 0 == $field ) { field = field -1 }
while ( $field + 0 != $field ) {
field = field - 1
# field is now pointing at some undocumented number. Decrement once more to get the sequence
field = field - 1
# field is now pointing at the sequence
seq = $field
#Now I/we want to sanitize the sequence to remove any gaps
gsub(/-/, "", seq)
print name
print seq
Or we can coerce this into a monstrous one-liner:
awk '{name = "> "; field = 2; while ( $field + 0 != $field ) { name = name " " $field; field = field+1 } ; field = NF; if ( $field + 0 == $field ) { field = field -1 }; while ( $field + 0 != $field ) { field = field - 1 }; field = field - 1; seq = $field; gsub(/-/, "", seq); print name; print seq}' the_m8_file.m8 > the_fasta_file.fasta