I lifted some unmerged trio files from hg19 to hg38 using liftOverPlink. It looks like that several houndred allels on each chromosome of one file shifted/switched to non-standard alleles. I recorded some of the differences. And will add them to the post. I will also add a sample of the file to this post. My goal is to merge the lifted trio files to one singe file.
My command to merge is
bcftools merge -l merge.txt --force-samples -Ob -o file.bcf
The REF prefixes differ: C vs N (1,1)
Failed to merge alleles at 1:3940550 in file_1.vcf.gz
First, I tried to remove those alleles in question but I realized that these are just to many to do this by hand.
I used R to edit the file
file <- read_delim(
delim="|", quote='', escape_backslash = T, col_names = F) %>%
#A list of all the REF prefix differences: number equals position in chromsome 1
#630128 N vs A, 791532, N vs A, 841166 G vs A, 937572 C vs T, 1110226 N vs A, 1486611 N vs G, 1554290 C vs G,
#1654663 N vs T, 1671724 C vs T, 1755523 C vs T, 1774697 C vs T, 1916092 C vs T, 1949922 C vs T, 1959595 C vs n
#1959717 C vs T, 1983048 A vs G, 1991690 A vs G, 1999315 C vs T 2096621 C vs T 2107385 A vs G, 2124676 A vs G
#2274142 A vs C, 2284952 A vs G, 2293812 C vs T, 2303949 N vs C, 2321888 T vs N, 2351827 C vs T,2364905 N vs G
#2364905 T vs C, 2420707 T vs C, 2431388 T vs C, 2441501 T vs C, 2461209 C vs G, 2614790 A vs G, 2620461 G vs A
#2622185 C vs T, 2792599 A vs C, 2861494 C vs T 2864702 G vs N, 2884008 T vs C , 2894837 A vs C, 2925918 T vs C,
#2944366 T vs C, 3097126 G vs A,, 3107701 C vs A, 3109422 C vs A, 3112423 G vs A, , 3119756 C vs T, 3146311 G vs T
#3282557 G vs A,, 3294386 A vs G, 3294894 A vs C, 3303337 A vs G, 3320610 T vs C, 3335540 T vs C, 3344952 T vs C
#3345118 T vs C 3355977 G vs A, 3401871 G vs A, 3443779 G vs T,, 3534441 T vs N, 3591297 A vs G,
#3595370 A vs G, 3601923 T vs C, 3624792 G vs N, 3689917 T vs C, 3689917 G vs A, 3695328 G vs A, 3696503 G vs A
#3762340 T vs C, 3775163 A vs C, 3870048 T vs Cl 3924314 G vs A3935847 T vs C, 3940550 G vs A
filter(!grepl('.+630128.+|.+791532.+|.+841166.+|.+937572.+|.+1110226.+|.+1486611.+|.+1554290.+|.+1654663.+|.+1671724.+|.+1755523.+|.+1774697.+|.+1916092.+|.+1949922.+|.+1959595.+|.+1959717.+|.+1983048.+|.+1991690.+|.+1999315.+|.+2096621.+|.+2107385.+|.+2124676.+|.+2274142.+|.+2284952.+|.+2293812.+|.+2303949.+|.+2321888.+|.+2324778.+|.+2351678.+|.+2351827.+|.+2364905.+|.+2364905.+|.+2420707.+|.+2431388.+|.+2441501.+|.+2461209.+|.+2614790.+|.+2620461.+|.+2622185.+|.+2792599.+|.+2861494.+|.+2864702.+|.+2884008.+|.+2894837.+|.+2925918.+|.+2944366.+|.+3097126.+|.+3107701.+|.+3109422.+|.+3112423.+|.+3119756.+|.+3146311.+|.+3282557.+|.+3294386.+|.+3294894.+|.+3303337.+|.+3320610.+|.+3335540.+|.+3344952.+|.+3345118.+|.+3355977.+|.+3401871.+|.+3443779.+|.+3534441.+|.+3591297.+|.+3595370.+|.+3601923.+|.+3624792.+|.+3689917.+|.+3689917.+|.+3695328.+|.+3696503.+|.+3762340.+|.+3775163.+|.+3870048.+|.+3924314.+|.+3935847.+|.+3940550.+',X1)) %>%
write_delim(file = str_glue("{some_path}some_file_v1.vcf"),
k col_names = F, quote = 'none', escape = 'none')
#zip the file
call = str_glue("bcftools view {some_path}some_file_v1.vcf -o {some_path}some_file_v1.vcf.gz")
#index the new file
call = str_glue("bcftools index -f {f}.gz")
Q1: How can one fix the large amount of REF prefix differences in the chromosome files?
Q2: If one uses the fixref plugin of bcftools which is the correct reference file to use after lifting was performed?
EDIT: JRodrigoF recommended to use the bcftools norm --check-ref s --fasta-ref GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa
to fix the issue. It seems this produces the following error on my end:
[E::faidx_adjust_position] The sequence "1" was not found faidx_fetch_seq failed at 1:69869
To make sure this is not a problem created during liftover I will post my liftover procedure here:
#set working directory to data directory
trio_wd <- str_glue(here::here(),'/trio/SomeName/')
#create file list for raw data
file_list <- str_c(trio_wd,dir(trio_wd)) %>% str_extract('.+txt') %>%
#generate map files from 23andme text file
for(f in file_list){
call = str_glue('plink --23file {f} --recode --out {str_remove(f,".txt")}
#create file list for map data
file_list <- str_c(trio_wd,dir(trio_wd)) %>% str_extract('.+map') %>%
for (f in file_list){
call <- str_glue('python3 reference/liftOverPlink.py --map {f} --out {str_replace(f,".map","_lifted")} --chain reference/hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz ')
#create valid mapping file for hg19
call <- str_glue('python3 reference/rmBadLifts.py -m {str_replace(f,".map","_lifted")}.map --out {str_replace(f,".map","_good_lifted")}.map -l {str_replace(f,".map","_bad_lifted.dat")}')
call <- str_glue('cut -f 2 {str_replace(f,".map","_bad_lifted.dat")} > {str_replace(f,".map","_exclude_lifted.dat")}')
call <- str_glue('cut -f 4 {str_replace(f,".map","_lifted")}.bed.unlifted | sed "/^#/d" >> {str_replace(f,".map","_exclude_lifted.dat")} ')
# Note: this will clobber the lifted MAP file generated by `liftOverPlink`:
call <- str_glue('plink --file {str_remove(f,".map")} --recode --out {str_replace(f,".map","_lifted")} --exclude {str_replace(f,".map","_exclude_lifted.dat")} ')
call <- str_glue('plink --ped {str_replace(f,".map","_lifted.ped")} --map {str_replace(f,".map","_good_lifted")}.map --recode --out {str_replace(f,".map","_final")}')
EDIT II: Sample of the file including header
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##INFO=<ID=PR,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Provisional reference allele, may not be based on real reference genome">
##bcftools_viewCommand=view -r 1 -o /home/oem/Documents/GitHub/Genomics_prac_guide/trio/some_name/some_name//genome_some_name_v5_Full_20191220113716_final_1.vcf.gz /home/oem/Documents/GitHub/Genomics_prac_guide/trio/some_name/some_name_v5_Full_20191220113716_final.vcf.gz; Date=Tue Nov 8 13:02:01 2022
1 69869 rs548049170 T . . . PR GT 0/0
1 74792 rs13328684 N . . . PR GT ./.
1 792461 rs116587930 G . . . PR GT 0/0
1 817341 rs3131972 G . . . PR GT 0/0
1 818725 rs12184325 C . . . PR GT 0/0
1 820888 rs12567639 A . . . PR GT 0/0
1 823656 rs114525117 G . . . PR GT 0/0
1 858952 rs12127425 G . . . PR GT 0/0
1 866156 rs79373928 T . . . PR GT 0/0
1 880041 rs72888853 N . . . PR GT ./.
1 889018 rs7538305 A . . . PR GT 0/0
1 894801 rs28444699 A . . . PR GT 0/0
1 895351 i713449 N . . . PR GT ./.
1 899450 rs116452738 G . . . PR GT 0/0
1 899712 rs72631887 T . . . PR GT 0/0
1 903285 rs28678693 T C . . PR GT 0/1
1 905373 rs4970382 T C . . PR GT 0/1
1 911428 rs4475691 C . . . PR GT 0/0
1 916010 rs72631889 G . . . PR GT 0/0
Output of grep '^>' reference/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa
>chr1 AC:CM000663.2 gi:568336023 LN:248956422 rl:Chromosome M5:6aef897c3d6ff0c78aff06ac189178dd AS:GRCh38
>chr2 AC:CM000664.2 gi:568336022 LN:242193529 rl:Chromosome M5:f98db672eb0993dcfdabafe2a882905c AS:GRCh38
>chr3 AC:CM000665.2 gi:568336021 LN:198295559 rl:Chromosome M5:76635a41ea913a405ded820447d067b0 AS:GRCh38
>chr4 AC:CM000666.2 gi:568336020 LN:190214555 rl:Chromosome M5:3210fecf1eb92d5489da4346b3fddc6e AS:GRCh38
>chr5 AC:CM000667.2 gi:568336019 LN:181538259 rl:Chromosome M5:a811b3dc9fe66af729dc0dddf7fa4f13 AS:GRCh38 hm:47309185-49591369
EDIT IV: Edited the fasta-file and the corresponding index file as mentioned in the comments. Still, the error from EDIT I sustains.
First five chromosomes of the modified FASTA-file:
grep '^>' reference/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla_modified.fa
>1 AC:CM000663.2 gi:568336023 LN:248956422 rl:Chromosome M5:6aef897c3d6ff0c78aff06ac189178dd AS:GRCh38
>2 AC:CM000664.2 gi:568336022 LN:242193529 rl:Chromosome M5:f98db672eb0993dcfdabafe2a882905c AS:GRCh38
>3 AC:CM000665.2 gi:568336021 LN:198295559 rl:Chromosome M5:76635a41ea913a405ded820447d067b0 AS:GRCh38
>4 AC:CM000666.2 gi:568336020 LN:190214555 rl:Chromosome M5:3210fecf1eb92d5489da4346b3fddc6e AS:GRCh38
>5 AC:CM000667.2 gi:568336019 LN:181538259 rl:Chromosome M5:a811b3dc9fe66af729dc0dddf7fa4f13 AS:GRCh38 hm:47309185-49591369
Addjusted the bcftools
-call of EDIT I afterwards so the modified FASTA-file will be used
call = str_glue('bcftools norm --check-ref s {f} --fasta-ref reference/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla_modified.fa -o {out} ')
[E::faidx_adjust_position] The sequence "1" was not found
faidx_fetch_seq failed at 1:69869
View region in question
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##INFO=<ID=PR,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Provisional reference allele, may not be based on real reference genome">
##bcftools_viewCommand=view -r 1 -o /home/oem/Documents/GitHub/Genomics_prac_guide/trio/Some_name/Some_name//genome_Some_name_v5_Full_20191220113716_final_1.vcf.gz /home/oem/Documents/GitHub/Genomics_prac_guide/trio/Some_name/genome_Some_name_v5_Full_20191220113716_final.vcf.gz; Date=Tue Nov 8 13:02:01 2022
##bcftools_viewCommand=view -o /home/oem/Documents/GitHub/Genomics_prac_guide/trio/Some_name/Some_name/genome_Some_name_v5_Full_20191220113716_final_1_1.vcf.gz /home/oem/Documents/GitHub/Genomics_prac_guide/trio/Some_name/Some_name/genome_Some_name_v5_Full_20191220113716_final_1_1.vcf; Date=Tue Nov 8 18:16:55 2022
##bcftools_viewCommand=view -r 1:69869 /home/oem/Documents/GitHub/Genomics_prac_guide/trio/Some_name/Some_name/genome_Some_name_v5_Full_20191220113716_final_1_1.vcf.gz; Date=Thu Nov 10 10:56:54 2022
1 69869 rs548049170 T . . . PR GT 0/0
[E::faidx_adjust_position] The sequence "1" was not found faidx_fetch_seq failed at 1:69869
Maybe something went wrong during the lifting? I will add my lifting procedure to the OP. $\endgroup$1
in your VCF and probablychr1
in your fasta sequence. $\endgroup$