I am a biologist, and I do not fully understand the tree topology of the experimental species. I used four-taxon set (4 sequences) to identify the Four-cluster Likelihood-Mapping by using
iqtree2 -s ***.fa -lmap 2000 -n 0
I have obtained the svg file - triangle (attached - 1), however there were no data mentioned about T1, T2 and T3 unrooted tree based on my input 4 sequences (Haur_2, Shad_6, Equa_oga2 and apa). I used single orthologous copy genes as the supermatrix for this data.
Therefore, I do not understand which topology of tree is reliable depends on the sequence data. I knew that my data set showed similar result topology from Iq2 tree output. There is no species sequence data available for the species that I am looking for a reliable topology of those species. If anyone knows how to understand the assigned sequence on the unrooted tree based on Four-cluster Likelihood-Mapping by using iqtree2? Could you kindly answer this question? I want to know the orange unrooted tree (image 2) for my analyzed data. Thank you very much.
output ***.iqtree Quartet support of regions a1, a2, a3 (mainly for clustered analysis):
#quartets a1 (% a1) a2 (% a2) a3 (% a3) name
1 2000 648 (32.40 ) 712 (35.60 ) 640 (32.00 ) Haur_2
2 2000 648 (32.40 ) 712 (35.60 ) 640 (32.00 ) Shad_6
3 2000 648 (32.40 ) 712 (35.60 ) 640 (32.00 ) Equa_oga2
4 2000 648 (32.40 ) 712 (35.60 ) 640 (32.00 ) apa
2000 648 (32.40 ) 712 (35.60 ) 640 (32.00 )