I have created three Nextflow processes: One checks the strandedness of the fastq file and outputs it to a .txt file. Second one executes a python script with different commands depending upon the condition. And the third one aligns them.
* the `CHECK_STRANDEDNESS` process takes SAM file
* and a BED file
* and outputs a a txt file containing information about strandedness.
path "${pair_id}.sam"
path "${gtf.baseName}.bed"
path "${pair_id}_strand_check.txt"
infer_experiment.py -i "${pair_id}.sam" -r "${gtf.baseName}.bed" > "${pair_id}_strand_check.txt"
* the `FINDTAIL` process takes "${pair_id}_strand_check.txt" file
* and executes commands according to the reads strandedness.
* The output generated is FASTA files.
process FINDTAIL {
path "${pair_id}_strand_check.txt"
path tuple val(pair_id), path(reads)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import pandas as pd
import os
result = pd.read_csv("${pair_id}_strand_check.txt", sep="\r\n", header=None, engine='python')
failed = float(result.iloc[1,0].replace('Fraction of reads failed to determine: ', ''))
fwd = float(result.iloc[2,0].replace('Fraction of reads explained by "1++,1--,2+-,2-+": ', ''))
rev = float(result.iloc[3,0].replace('Fraction of reads explained by "1+-,1-+,2++,2--": ', ''))
fwd_percent = fwd/(fwd+rev)
rev_percent = rev/(fwd+rev)
if float(result.iloc[1,0].replace('Fraction of reads failed to determine: ', '')) > 0.50:
cmd1 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[0]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type sl --d > tail_${pair_id}_1.fasta
cmd2 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[1]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type sl --d > tail_${pair_id}_2.fasta
subprocess.call(cmd1, shell=True)
subprocess.call(cmd2, shell=True)
if fwd_percent > 0.9:
#Over 90% of reads explained by "1++,1--,2+-,2-+
#Data is likely FR/fr-secondstrand
cmd1 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[0]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type pr --d > tail_${pair_id}_1.fasta
cmd2 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[1]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type pr --d > tail_${pair_id}_2.fasta
subprocess.call(cmd1, shell=True)
subprocess.call(cmd2, shell=True)
elif rev_percent > 0.9:
# Over 90% of reads explained by "1+-,1-+,2++,2--
# Data is likely RF/fr-firststrand
cmd1 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[0]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type sl --d > tail_${pair_id}_1.fasta
cmd2 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[1]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type sl --d > tail_${pair_id}_2.fasta
subprocess.call(cmd1, shell=True)
subprocess.call(cmd2, shell=True)
elif max(fwd_percent, rev_percent) < 0.6:
#Under 60% of reads explained by one direction
#Data is likely unstranded
cmd1 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[0]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type sl --d > tail_${pair_id}_1.sl.fasta
cmd2 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[0]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type pr --d > tail_${pair_id}_1.pr.fasta
cmd3 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[1]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type sl --d > tail_${pair_id}_2.sl.fasta
cmd4 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[1]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type pr --d > tail_${pair_id}_2.pr.fasta
subprocess.call(cmd1, shell=True)
subprocess.call(cmd2, shell=True)
subprocess.call(cmd3, shell=True)
subprocess.call(cmd4, shell=True)
#if strand couldnt be detected
# we assume it is first-stranded
# since most illumina reads are
cmd1 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[0]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type sl --d > tail_${pair_id}_1.fasta
cmd2 = "findtail_v1.01 --input_file ${reads[1]} --seqlength 500 --endgap 2 --taillength 10 --identity 10 --ptype A --stype T --output_format fasta --output_type sl --d > tail_${pair_id}_2.fasta
subprocess.call(cmd1, shell=True)
subprocess.call(cmd2, shell=True)
* define the `ALIGN` process that outputs unmapped files in FASTA format
* It will take the FASTA files creates by the `FINDTAIL` process
* and try to align them INDIVIDUALLY.
process ALIGN {
path index
path "tail_${pair_id}*.fasta"
path "unmapped_tail_${pair_id}*.fasta"
bowtie2 -x $index -f "tail_${pair_id}*.fasta" --un "unmapped_tail_${pair_id}*.fasta"
After creating a "${pair_id}_strand_check.txt" file, I input it to the FINDTAIL process that finds reads with polyadenylated ends. It takes fastq files individually, so I have to run it individually for each file.
If fastq file pair is first stranded or second stranded, I executed findtail twice,once for R1 and once for R2, which creates two fasta files. But if it is unstranded, I have to run findtail four times, twice for each file. Thus, depending on the paired-end reads' strandedness, I have different number of inputs. How do I define the output of this process?
In the next process I align these files individually to get unmapped reads.
This issue has been eating my brain away for 5 days. So please let me know if something is unclear.
Best wishes!
. If it's still not working, check to see what files are actually being created. They might be being created in another directory or not at all. $\endgroup$