I would like to plot using estimateCellCounts as I do not know my cell counts for the blood samples I am using however, it seem that I cannot get estimateCellCounts to work with EPIC arrays.
Detailing Attempts:
Attempt 1:
- I first attempted it with EPIC arrays but it wouldn't take it.
compositeCellType = "Blood",
processMethod = "auto",
probeSelect = "auto",
cellTypes = c("Bcell",
referencePlatform = "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC",
returnAll = TRUE,
meanPlot = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE)
And the associated error:
Loading required package: FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC
Loading required package: ExperimentHub
Loading required package: AnnotationHub
Loading required package: BiocFileCache
Loading required package: dbplyr
Attaching package: 'AnnotationHub'
The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
Warning message in data(list = referencePkg):
"data set 'FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC' not found"
Error in get(referencePkg): object 'FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC' not found
1. estimateCellCounts(RGset, compositeCellType = "Blood", processMethod = "auto",
. probeSelect = "auto", cellTypes = c("Bcell", "CD4T", "CD8T",
. "Eos", "Gran", "Mono", "Neu", "NK"), referencePlatform = "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC",
. returnAll = TRUE, meanPlot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
2. get(referencePkg)
3. get(referencePkg)
Adding the library("FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC")
did not stop the error "data set 'FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC' not found"
Attempt 2:
- Then, I looked up the error I got first on Github and found that converting to 450k was recommended. So I used the
. - Then it threw up an error saying
was not installed.
Attempt 3:
So I installed and loaded the library and re-ran to get the code below and the error below. However, this does not change the issue that it does not seem to run. The code I used and the error is below - any suggestions are appreciated:
RGset_450k = convertArray(RGset,
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k"),
verbose = TRUE
compositeCellType = "Blood",
processMethod = "auto",
probeSelect = "auto",
cellTypes = c("Bcell",
referencePlatform = "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
returnAll = TRUE,
meanPlot = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE)
Error in p[trainingProbes, ]: subscript out of bounds
1. estimateCellCounts(RGset_450k, compositeCellType = "Blood", processMethod = "auto",
. probeSelect = "auto", cellTypes = c("Bcell", "CD4T", "CD8T",
. "Eos", "Gran", "Mono", "Neu", "NK"), referencePlatform = "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
. returnAll = TRUE, meanPlot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
How would I make it get around this error as it does not output any results? Any suggestions/solutions are appreciated.
before theestimateCellCounts
but I get the following error after running the commandError in .isMatrixBackedOrStop(rgSet, "estimateCellCounts"): could not find function ".isMatrixBackedOrStop" Traceback: 1. estimateCellCounts(RGset_450k, compositeCellType = "Blood", processMethod = "auto", . probeSelect = "auto", cellTypes = c("Bcell", "CD4T", "CD8T", . "Eos", "Gran", "Mono", "Neu", "NK"), referencePlatform = "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k", . returnAll = TRUE, meanPlot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)