I have a very basic objective which I want to give list of id to a ncbi-srafastq tool kit which will prefetch the id which is in .sra file extension and then it will run fastq-dump on the file to split the files into fastq files, single file if there is single end file or paired end file if its paired end or two set of files.
This is my code
a=$(basename "$input")
# Download SRA data
prefetch "$id"
# Extract SRA ID from the downloaded data
#sraID=$(ls -1 | grep -v run.sh)
sraID=$(ls -1 | grep -v run.sh | sed 's/\.sra$//')
# Validate the downloaded SRA data
vdb-validate "$sraID"
# Dump fastq data from the SRA file
fastq-dump "$sraID" --gzip
# Concatenate fastq files for read1, read2, and unpaired reads (if available)
for s in "$sraID"
echo "$s"
if [ "$s" != "$id" ]
[ -f "${s}_1.fastq" ] && cat "${s}_1.fastq" >> "${id}_R1.fastq"
[ -f "${s}_2.fastq" ] && cat "${s}_2.fastq" >> "${id}_R2.fastq"
[ -f "${s}.fastq" ] && cat "${s}.fastq" >> "${id}.fastq"
# Compress fastq files using pigz
#for i in "${id}"*.fastq
#echo "$i"
# pigz "$i" & sleep 1
# Remove the original uncompressed fastq file if both read1 and read2 files are present
[ -f "${id}_R1.fastq.gz" ] && [ -f "${id}_R2.fastq.gz" ] && [ -f "${id}.fastq.gz" ] && rm "${id}.fastq.gz"
# Test deleting intermediate folder
echo "Space before tmp folder delete"
echo "Removing tmp folder $sraID "
ls *
rm -rf "$sraID"*
ls *
echo 'done'
I run using as small example file as such
./run.sh SRR12332899
The error I get is this
2023-08-05T12:37:32 prefetch.3.0.6: Current preference is set to retrieve SRA Normalized Format files with full base quality scores.
2023-08-05T12:37:33 prefetch.3.0.6: 1) Downloading 'SRR12332899'...
2023-08-05T12:37:33 prefetch.3.0.6: SRA Normalized Format file is being retrieved, if this is different from your preference, it may be due to current file availability.
2023-08-05T12:37:33 prefetch.3.0.6: Downloading via HTTPS...
2023-08-05T12:40:48 prefetch.3.0.6: HTTPS download succeed
2023-08-05T12:40:48 prefetch.3.0.6: 'SRR12332899' is valid
2023-08-05T12:40:48 prefetch.3.0.6: 1) 'SRR12332899' was downloaded successfully
2023-08-05T12:40:48 prefetch.3.0.6: 'SRR12332899' has 0 unresolved dependencies
2023-08-05T12:40:48 vdb-validate.3.0.6 info: Database 'SRR12332899.sra' metadata: md5 ok
2023-08-05T12:40:48 vdb-validate.3.0.6 info: Table 'SEQUENCE' metadata: md5 ok
2023-08-05T12:40:48 vdb-validate.3.0.6 info: Column 'ALTREAD': checksums ok
2023-08-05T12:40:48 vdb-validate.3.0.6 info: Column 'QUALITY': checksums ok
2023-08-05T12:40:48 vdb-validate.3.0.6 info: Column 'READ': checksums ok
2023-08-05T12:40:48 vdb-validate.3.0.6 info: Column 'SPOT_GROUP': checksums ok
2023-08-05T12:40:48 vdb-validate.3.0.6 info: Database 'sra/SRR12332899.sra' contains only unaligned reads
2023-08-05T12:40:48 vdb-validate.3.0.6 info: Database 'SRR12332899.sra' is consistent
2023-08-05T12:40:49 fastq-dump.3.0.6 err: item not found while constructing within virtual database module - the path 'sra' cannot be opened as database or table
fastq-dump quit with error code 3
Space before tmp folder delete
Removing tmp folder sra
If I do just
prefetch SRR12332899
and then fastq-dump SRR12332899
I get a SRR12332899.fastq SRR12332899.sra
This is for one file since I want to download list of files using the script which is not working.
Any suggestion would be really helpful