I have single cell data which I want to annotate with the seurat package, so I ran this code in R:
lung.data <- Read10X(data.dir ="C:/Users/Desktop/SINGLE-CELL/DATA",gene.column = 1)
lung <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = lung.data, project = "lung", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)
And the output of the features of this seurat object is:
[1] "ENSG00000000003" "ENSG00000000419"
[3] "ENSG00000000457" "ENSG00000000460"
[5] "ENSG00000000938" "ENSG00000000971"
[7] "ENSG00000001036" "ENSG00000001084"
[9] "ENSG00000001167" "ENSG00000001460"
[11] "ENSG00000001461" "ENSG00000001497"
[13] "ENSG00000001561" "ENSG00000001617"
[15] "ENSG00000001626" "ENSG00000001629"
[17] "ENSG00000001630" "ENSG00000001631"
[19] "ENSG00000002016" "ENSG00000002079"
How can I change the row names of this Seurat Object from Ensembl to gene name, knowing that not all the ensemble genes have conversion to gene name, in order to obtain the seurat object with the gene names as row names and cell names as column names?