You can use imputation for guessing at what the missing SNPs might be based on known LD patterns in populations. This procedure will give you an idea of whether the recombinational history of genomic regions is important, rather than specific SNPs. Given that you're looking at LD-based measures, this should be okay (although the logic behind the calculation is a bit circular).
If you don't have a big compute cluster available, the Michigan Imputation Server is a free imputation service that can be used for academic purposes. Data is fed into the service as bgzip-compressed VCF files (output from plink
as an uncompressed VCF file, then use bgzip
to compress the files), and returned as a larger dataset with imputed SNPs derived from the HRC or 1kg reference panels. There's a bit of initial legwork required: you need to make sure that the variants as defined in the VCF file have the same location and strand as defined in the reference panel, otherwise you'll wait weeks in the queue and end up empty handed. To avoid hassle, I'd recommend removing any complementary SNPs (e.g. A/T, C/G), then flipping the strand for any remaining genotypes where the alleles don't match up.
I've recently done this again. Here's a summary of the things required to get MIS imputation working properly from a PLINK dataset:
- Retrieve site data for HRC panel
- Generate list of complementary variants, rename chrX to chr23 to fit PLINK expectation
- extract out variant names (remove duplicated rs numbers)
- change 'RS' to 'rs' in plink BIM file
- filter PLINK file against variants
- adjust position of variants to fit with HRC panel
- sort HRC variants by rs number
- identify variants that need flipping
- flip variants using PLINK, create combined VCF file
- create VCF index for bcftools
- extract per-chromosome VCF files
- convert chromosome '23' back to chromosome 'X'
- upload to MIS, remembering to separate out autosomal and X-chromosomal files
And a full example:
## Retrieve site data for HRC panel
wget ''
## Generate list of complementary variants, rename chrX to chr23 to fit PLINK expectation
zgrep -v '^#' HRC.r1-1.GRCh37.wgs.mac5.sites.vcf.gz | cut -f 1-5 | \
awk '{if(!($4 ~ /[AT]/ && $5 ~ /[AT]/) && !($4 ~ /[CG]/ && $5 ~ /[CG]/)){print}}' | perl -pe 's/^X/23/' > HRC_complementary_variants.tsv
## extract out variant names (remove duplicated rs numbers)
cut -f 3 HRC_complementary_variants.tsv | grep '^rs' | uniq -u > HRC_complementary_variants_namesOnly.txt
## change 'RS' to 'rs' in plink BIM file
perl -i -pe 's/RS/rs/' plinkFileHg19.bim
## filter PLINK file against variants
plink --bfile plinkFileHg19 --extract HRC_complementary_variants_namesOnly.txt --make-bed --out noComp_plinkFileHg19
## adjust position of variants to fit with HRC panel
plink --bfile noComp_plinkFileHg19 --update-chr HRC_complementary_variants.tsv 1 3 \
--update-map HRC_complementary_variants.tsv 2 3 --make-bed --out repositioned_nc_plinkFileHg19
## sort HRC variants by rs number
sort -k 3,3 HRC_complementary_variants.tsv > rsSorted_HRC_complementary_variants.tsv
## identify variants that need flipping
join -1 3 -2 2 <(pv rsSorted_HRC_complementary_variants.tsv) <(sort -k 2,2 repositioned_nc_plinkFileHg19.bim) | \
awk '{if(!($4 == $9) && !($4 == $8)){print $1}}' > toFlip_HRC_complementary_variants.txt
## flip variants using PLINK, create combined VCF file
plink --bfile repositioned_nc_plinkFileHg19 --flip toFlip_HRC_complementary_variants.txt --recode vcf bgz --out flipped_rnc_plinkFileHg19
## create VCF index for bcftools
bcftools index flipped_rnc_plinkFileHg19.vcf.gz
## extract per-chromosome VCF files
for x in $(seq 1 23); do echo ${x};
bcftools filter -r ${x} flipped_rnc_plinkFileHg19.vcf.gz -O z -o chr${x}_flipped_rnc_plinkFileHg19.vcf.gz;
## convert chromosome '23' back to chromosome 'X'
zcat chr23_flipped_rnc_plinkFileHg19.vcf.gz | perl -pe 's/ID=23/ID=X/;s/^23\t/X\t/' > chrX_flipped_rnc_plinkFileHg19.vcf
bgzip chrX_flipped_rnc_plinkFileHg19.vcf