I got a dataset from C.Elegans scRNA-seq
in GSE98561_RAW.tar
The dataset is 40 000 x 68 000
, where rows represent genes and columns - cells. So, I took it and tried to process myself to build an scRNA-seq
pipeline. Here is what I did:
I filtered out the genes that have zero counts in all of the cells and the dataset was reduced to
29 000 x 68 000
I removed all of the cells with counts
< 100
in all of the genes - the dataset became29 000 x 66 000
Then, because the dataset was too big to run normalization even on the cluster with
RAM (because there are multiple distinct types of cells, first clustering needs to be done), I selected just even columns and ran normalization with29 000 x 33 000
dataset (UMI_count
):library(scran) library(scater) sce <- newSCESet(countData=UMI_count) clusters <- quickCluster(sce) sce <- computeSumFactors(sce, clusters=clusters, positive=TRUE)
After running the code above I decided to check whether the data is fine and so I ran:
> summary(sizeFactors(sce))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0717 0.0000 33.3900
I also ran PCA
on the normalized dataset and it looks like that:
It seems to me that the normalized dataset is terrible and I need to do some further processing before I could run further analysis. What else could I do to improve it? How to filter it? There are no spike-ins
and maybe 200
mitochondrial genes. The approach described here does not work, probably because the majority of the cells have low number of genes expressed:
I tried removing low-abundance genes after normalization, but it seems that most of them are going to be removed:
>ave.counts <- rowMeans(counts(sce))
>keep <- ave.counts >= 1
Should I filter all of the cells - columns - for up to 500
total gene expression count instead of 100
? Is it a good idea? I can't think of anything else.