I would like to find out where (in genomic coordinates) large insertions are found within a given BAM file, file.bam
(In terms of genomic coordinates, I just mean I would like to have a rough idea where to look at the BAM in IGV, chromosome and position.)
Based on the BAM CIGAR, I should be able to grep
the BAM based on some cut-off of "large inserted" bases.
It's unclear to me how to best do this via samtools; one could parse the cigar string via samtools
for insertions, but I don't understand how to translate this into the genomic position in the alignment.
This goes with various samtools wrappers, e.g. pysam
in python:
import pysam
bamfile = pysam.Samfile(bamFile, "rb");
for read in bamfile:
if not read.is_unmapped: ## only get mapped reads
cigarLine = read.cigar
for cigarType, cigarLength in cigarLine:
if cigarType == 1: ## this means it's an insertion...
## somehow filter only large insertions, and then get coordinate information
I'm not sure how to do this in a non-clumsy manner. Any help appreciated.