Currently I have 4 fastq file for each patient as WES data. For WES pipeline, I want to combine those fastq files. I am using writeFastq from ShortRead package in Bioconductor.But I think this function is not working properly.
The reason of my doubt is the the size the next step is quality check using FastQC tool. This tool is working on individual file but not on combined file and shows the error that ID line doesn't start with "@" . So I want to know what are the other effective tool for combining multiple fastq files without any loss of information.
Let me know if I am doing something wrong. Thanks
[EDIT-1] : The codes for combining multiple fastq files into one is as follows:
reference_fastq = file.path(paste(getwd(),"refs",sep = "/", collapse = " "), fsep = ".fasta")
fastqDir <- file.path(dataDir, fsep = ".fastq")
outfile_temp <- paste(dirname(dataDir),basename(fastqDir), paste(basename(fastqDir),"combined","fastq", sep = "."),sep = "/", collapse = " ")
fls <- list.files(fastqDir, "fastq$", full=TRUE)
for (fl in fls) {
fq <- readFastq(fl)
writeFastq(fq,outfile_temp, mode="a")
First four lines of my fastq file (one of 4 indivual file) are as follows :
@D00239:185:C9KELANXX:2:2201:1088:2107 1:N:0:TCCTGAGC
First four lines of combines fastq file are as follows:
@D00239:185:C9KELANXX:2:2201:1088:2107 1:N:0:TCCTGAGC
It is pretty clear that combined fastq file is also starting wiht proper identifier but why FastQC tool is saying that identifier '@' is missing. Here is the screen shot of the error message:
them to a new .tar.gz file and you'll have them combined $\endgroup$