As i have multiple comparison so I m trying this UpSet
plot, but it needs data to be formatted in particular way, one of the ways is as a list, so now the issue is since between one comparison the no of genes coming out may not be same as the other one, so there is a difference in dimension so if i bind them as data frame then i get dimension error, so the best way to get through is make list so what i have tried so far
A <- read.csv("GMP_MONO_UP_DOWN_CDS_EPI.txt",header = TRUE)
B <- read.csv("CMP_GMP_UP_DOWN_EPI.txt",header = TRUE)
C <- read.csv("HSC_BLAST_UPDOWN_EPI.txt",header = TRUE,sep = '\t')
ONE <- A[c(1)]#############just taking out the gene column########
TWO <- B[c(1)]#############just taking out the gene column########
THREE <- B[c(1)]#############just taking out the gene column########
b1 <- apply(ONE,2,list)
b2 <- apply(TWO,2,list)
Now this is the code from their help page
upset(movies, nsets = 7, nintersects = 30, mb.ratio = c(0.5, 0.5), = c("freq", "degree"), decreasing = c(TRUE,FALSE))
so the data "movies" class is data frame, there is not dimension issue as such as in my case if i want to intersect two comparison which may not have the same length, so how do i overcome the issue any suggestion or help would be highly appreciated. Update my question with one more data to add.