I am using Drop-seq_tools to analyze scRNA-seq in a similar way of this paper. I am using the same data (GSE97930) to get used to Drop-seq_tools.
On the GEO repo the authors provide the relevant code (GSE97930_README.txt). However, one tool used in the script is missing: TagReadWithGene.
The latest version of Drop-seq_tools does not have such method (as it should be provided by this library), and there is no version history for the whole package, so I cannot download previous versions.
The best matches for the missing method are TagReadWithGeneExon and TagReadWithInterval. In the methods of the cited paper they say:
Reads that mapped to intronic or exonic regions of genes as per the GENCODE gene annotation were recorded.
I think that in this case the tool to use should be TagReadWithInterval since the other one should consider only exons.
I cannot find any other documentation about the tools. Do you know/already encountered this problem?