I've been running bwa mem -a
for alignment, using the -a
flag---this will
output all alignments for SE or unpaired PE
I've noticed in the SAM that there are several alignments with *
in the SEQ
and QUAL
fields. Based on the documentation:
- SEQ: segment SEQuence. This field can be a ‘*’ when the sequence is not stored. If not a ‘*’, the length of the sequence must equal the sum of lengths of M/I/S/=/X operations in CIGAR. An ‘=’ denotes the base is identical to the reference base. No assumptions can be made on the letter cases.
- QUAL: ASCII of base QUALity plus 33 (same as the quality string in the Sanger FASTQ format). A base quality is the phred-scaled base error probability which equals −10 log10 Pr{base is wrong}. This field can be a ‘*’ when quality is not stored. If not a ‘*’, SEQ must not be a ‘*’ and the length of the quality string ought to equal the length of SEQ.
it appears the sequence isn't stored.
I would strongly prefer to have the sequence in this case. Is there any to direct bwa to output these sequences?