I want to predict origins of replication (ORI) on hundreds of prokaryotic genomes. The most straight-forward solution would be to use most commonly used tool, Ori-Finder.
It uses integrated gene prediction, analysis of base composition asymmetry, distribution of DnaA boxes, occurrence of genes frequently close to oriC regions and phylogenetic relationships to predict ORIs.
However, I came across a paper by Parikh et al which describes a single measure (correlated entropy measure / CEM) with which they achieved 100% ORI-identification on 500 genomes.
I like the CEM approach more than a close-source Windows-only black-box.
Parikh tested their algorithm on NCBI genomes. How are ORI annotated on these reference genomes? I couldn't find such an annotation. Does the sequence simply begin at the ORI in leading strand direction by convention? Were the ORI of the reference genomes identified by experiment?