I have a read count data (RNAseq) and want to perform quantile normalization. Could you please help me how to do it. I tried some scripts in R but it didn't work. I want the result output in matrix form.
gene_id SRR896664 SRR896663 SRR896665
ENSG00000000003 46106 36353 40614
ENSG00000000005 198 399 1200
ENSG00000000419 40364 37769 40849
ENSG00000000457 18924 16211 16057
ENSG00000000460 31040 28888 29901
ENSG00000000938 200 0 394
ENSG00000000971 14935 14353 12522
The script which i tried is
data <- read.csv("testquantile.csv",header=T)
rownames(data) <- data[,1]
data_mat <- data.matrix(data[,-1])
data_norm <- normalize.quantiles(m, copy = TRUE)