I have sequenced a bacterial genome with a GridIon from ONT. Basically what I want to check is whether or not trimming 50 bps at the beginning of the reads will improve alignment against the reference genome and ultimately the call of a consensus sequence.
For that what I have done so far is:
- concatenated all the fastqs generated from the Gridion into a single (very large) fastq file:
- aligned this concatenated fastq against the reference genome
:~/Downloads/minimap2-2.17_x64-linux/minimap2 -ax map-ont ref_genbank/ref_genbank.fasta ref494_cat_all.fastq > ref494_aligned_trim50.sam
- Performed the general
steps to covert sam to bam, index and sort
Then, in order to get the consensus sequence I first try to generate a .vcf.gz
file, according to this tutorial
bcftools mpileup -f ref_genbank/ref_genbank.fasta ref494_aligned.sorted.bam | bcftools call -mv -Oz -o calls.vcf.gz
Immediatelly after calling the command above I got:
Note: none of --samples-file, --ploidy or --ploidy-file given, assuming all sites are diploid
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
Then, after a minute or two, I got:
Failed to open -: unknown file type
I'm pretty sure that there's no issue with .bam
file, as I could visualise the alignment with IGV or tablet.
Does anyone know what the issue can be?
bcftools view
if it's not text):bcftools mpileup -f ref_genbank/ref_genbank.fasta ref494_aligned.sorted.bam > output.tmp
output to the terminal after a minute or two. Also this command generates an emptyoutput.tmp
file. $\endgroup$gdb --args bcftools mpileup -f ref_genbank/ref_genbank.fasta -o /dev/null ref494_aligned.sorted.bam
, then typerun
and wait for it to crash. Then typebacktrace
; the output from this will be instructive. $\endgroup$Program terminated with signal SIGKILL, Killed.
The program no longer exists.
The output ofbacktrace
wasNo stack
That you cannot reproduce this error on non-ONT data, you think it can be related to the size of my input files? My bam is 14GB (coverage is about 2.000, we ran for about 48h, which we won't do routinely) $\endgroup$