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2 votes
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efficient counting of dinucleotides/trinucleotides on fastq reads?

What's an efficient way of counting of dinucleotides/trinucleotide pattern on fastq.gz file reads? I know there are tools like seqtk that will be very efficient at reading through the .fastq.gz files,...
719016's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

Fast way to count number of reads and number of bases in a fastq file?

I am looking for a tool, preferably written in C or C++, that can quickly and efficiently count the number of reads and the number of bases in a compressed fastq file. I am currently doing this using <...
terdon's user avatar
  • 10.6k
21 votes
12 answers

Random access on a FASTQ file

I would like to select a random record from a large set of n unaligned sequencing reads in log(n) time complexity (big O ...
winni2k's user avatar
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What is the fastest way to calculate the number of unknown nucleotides in FASTA / FASTQ files?

I used to work with publicly available genomic references, where basic statistics are usually available and if they are not, you have to compute them only once so there is no reason to worry about ...
Kamil S Jaron's user avatar