Questions tagged [cancer]

An abnormal growth of cells that can threaten an individual's life. Cancerous cells are very proliferative and can spread to other parts of the body, creating metastases.

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6 votes
3 answers

Somatic tumor only variant calling?

I'm evaluating possibilites for somatic tumor variant calling without paired-normal samples. I'm aware of the consequences without a normal sample. All the popular variant calling tools such as ...
SmallChess's user avatar
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Is there a publicly available tumor-normal sample?

I am looking for a publicly available matched tumor-normal sample. I need Illumina fastq reads (or an aligned bam file, since I could extract the reads from it) from a tumor and a matching, non-tumor ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 10.1k
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building complex drug-dna for AMBER software

I will appreciate if you can please clarify some of my doubts about drug-DNA complex. I want to study the drug-DNA simulation using AMBER. I did go through all the tutorials video on youtube but ...
dnalectronics's user avatar