Questions tagged [correlation]

Statistical term describing the association of two variables in accordance with a significance measure

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Which values from Seurat::FetchData function are to be used for correlation analysis between genes?

I want to perform a correlation test between genes in on my single cell RNA seq data set. I perfomed the differential expression analysis using the Seurat version 2 package, after performing stages of ...
Charles's user avatar
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Correlate ssGSEA score with Seurat's scaled expression data

I want to check the correlation between the expression of a given "test_gene"* in each cluster within a scRNA-seq database with the expression of a signature (i.e., gene sets whose ...
samge's user avatar
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How to investigate the correlation between transcript and protein abundance?

Our study shows that gene A knockout will down-regulate cell cycle-related genes in some cell lines. My aim is to understand whether cell cycle-related genes are down regulated on the transcriptional ...
Wang Ming's user avatar
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co-expression analysis for two different tissues of same sample

I have gene expression datasets A and B that contain as many rows as genes and as many columns as samples. The rows in A and B represent a common set of genes measured in different tissues of the same ...
data's user avatar
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Regarding RNA seq data analysis and building coexpression network

I have some questions regarding RNA seq analysis if you can suggest anything it will help me a lot. I am currently normalizing RNA seq data for comparing genes expression within and between samples. ...
Citu's user avatar
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Algorithmic Information Measurement of Human Genome Databases?

What is the highest data compression ratio achieved on a population of genomes measured to include the compressing algorithm itself? The size of the compressed database approximates its algorithmic ...
James Bowery's user avatar
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tissue cross talk using gene expression data

I am studying about tissue cross-talk using gene expression data. My first goal is to identify the genes responsible for communication signaling(cross talk). Let say the tissues are fat and muscle. ...
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