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Questions tagged [fpkm]

Fragments Per Kilobase per Million. The number of sequenced fragments that align to a specific gene, divided by the length of the gene in kilobases divided by the number of reads in million. It is the number of reads per gene normalised for the gene length and the library size. The term RPKM is an obsolete synonym of FPKM.

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18 votes
4 answers

How to compute RPKM in R?

I have the following data of fragment counts for each gene in 16 samples: ...
Iakov Davydov's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Expression of a gene in different groups

I would like to check the expression of a gene in different groups like Disease vs Normal samples. I want to make a plot out of that to check whether it is significant or not. From this paper lncRNA ...
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