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Gencode PolyA feature annotation GTF gene_id not the same as Comprehensive gene annotation GTF

I have downloaded the Gencode PolyA feature annotation GTF here. The first 10 lines are like this: ...
justinian482's user avatar
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Why are my genes filtered for Gene Ontology term enrichment?

When I enter a list of gene names into common gene ontology (GO) term enricher (e.g. MsigDB or ToppGene) only a small fraction of genes is actually used for the enrichment: I am struggling to ...
Tapper's user avatar
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Feature annotation: RefSeq vs Ensembl vs Gencode, what's the difference?

What are the actual differences between different annotation databases? My lab, for reasons still unknown to me, prefers Ensembl annotations (we're working with transcript/exon expression estimation)...
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