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macs3 to detect high coverage regions in long-reads

I am using macs3 to detect regions with high number of reads, similar to macs3's goal - detect chip-seq peaks - as it has been used for long-reads data, I would like to ask how to determine if it is ...
María José's user avatar
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What is the required input peak file format for IDR (Irreproducible Discovery Rate)

I have managed to install IDR ( correctly (idr --version returns 2.0.3), but I can't get it to run on my peak files (*.bed) without crashing. My peak files are generated ...
Zebra Fish's user avatar
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Questions about ChIP-seq reads and MACS

I had a few questions raised by the below diagram in relation to how ChIP-seq reads look like (source). I would be very grateful for your insight on them! From the below diagram, it seems that, in a ...
algebroo's user avatar
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How to extract DNA sequence from browser track input files (BigWig, bed etc.) files

A BigWig file for something like Chip-seq, or ATAC data has the following format for each line i: chrom_i - start_i - end_i - value_i I need to convert for each line the (start_i -> end_i) ...
Zebra Fish's user avatar
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Separating peaks of chip-seq with specific length

My data contain several chip-seq results. I have the peaks called by MACS2.I wanted to only look at those peaks that their size is e.g 500bp to 1000bp. How can I separate those peaks efficiently? I ...
Mariam's user avatar
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differential analysis of chip-seq data

I have several sets of chip-seq data. I called the peaks using Macs2. I am pretty new to the field and I will appreciate any help. I wanted to annotate the peaks and see which peaks are shared between ...
Mariam's user avatar
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How to make Venn diagram for the Macs peak calling output of two data sets?

I have two outputs of macs2 peak calling for two of my data sets. I wanted to plot the Venn diagram to see how many peaks are shared. I mainly work on Unix/Linux. Do you know any way that I can have ...
Mariam's user avatar
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merging two/or more bed file into one bed file

I am trying to merge two bed files (more in future) to one. my bed files are something like : . I need to merge them in a way to have the shared chromosome location. Is there a way to do that ?
Mariam's user avatar
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How to get the intersection of peaks after peak calling using MACS2?

I have following 5 narrow peak files after peak calling. K14_peaks.narrowPeak K15_peaks.narrowPeak K16_peaks.narrowPeak K3_peaks.narrowPeak K8_peaks.narrowPeak I ...
MudithMMBc's user avatar
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gnu parallel for macs peak calling

These are the list of files ...
kcm's user avatar
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When running ChIPQC bioconductor package after peak calling, should I use sorted BAM files or unsorted BAM files?

I have called peaks using MACS2 and now I'm trying to run ChIPQC bioconductor package. Can someone please tell me should I use sorted BAM files or unsorted BAM files? I have created sorted BAM files ...
MudithMMBc's user avatar
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How to visualize called narrowPeak files in UCSC Genome browser or IGV?

I have called peaks using MACS2. Then I got a narrowPeak file like this. ...
MudithMMBc's user avatar
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ATAC-seq macs2 peak splitting in sliding windows

This question has also been asked on Biostars I used macs2 to call peaks for atac-seq data. now my goal is to split the peaks into 50 bp windows with 25 bp steps and then calculate the Tn5 integration ...
user5191's user avatar
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Convert paired-end BAM into a single-end BAM and keep all the reads

I want to call peaks using MACS2 on my paired-end ATAC-seq BAM and I am interested in cutting sites. So I make use of the -BAM option (opposed to the -BAMPE) option. However this throws away all the ...
Maarten-vd-Sande's user avatar
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Biological replicates on Chip-seq Transcription factor data

I have 2 biological replicates for chip-seq transcription factor data and I have applied macs2 peak calling for each replicate separately. How can i make use of the biological replicates to extract ...
Dimtiris's user avatar
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Score predefined ChIP-seq peaks with MACS2 or equivalent

I have performed peak calling on a number of separate ChIP-seq experiments and would like to harmonise the peaks from each of the experiments in order to convert my data into a matrix for further ...
Scott Gigante's user avatar