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Questions tagged [meta-analysis]

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Is Meta-Analysis Valid Method for Combining Outcomes within a Study

I am conducting a meta-analysis of GWAS results for fecal gut microbiota across three different studies. Each study reports outcomes for the same general phenotype (e.g., Firmicutes abundances) but ...
jpf's user avatar
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Meta-analysis with 2 GEO transcriptomic datasets possible?

I was searching for a set of keyterms in the GEO database. After making my PRISMA chart I ended up having 2 datasets only. My Question is can proceed with aggregating those 2 microarray datasets and ...
Dr Debprasad Dutta's user avatar
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Analysing the Effect of a Drug on the Morphological Changes of a Cell Type

We came across a project in our lab that no one exactly knows how to approach. Since, I know a little bit of Python programming, this project was assigned to me. There is a data from a randomised ...
eh329's user avatar
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How to tune and use the MetaVolcanoR package

I conducted a differential expression analysis over several datasets, using LIMMA, each one on its own. For each dataset, I have a data frame of all the genes, with ...
Programming Noob's user avatar
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Applying colocalization analysis in Asian populations

I am planning to add colocalization method as a post-GWAS analysis in my study which is solely based on east Asian populations. I have noticed that coloc, enloc and eCaviar are being commonly used for ...
7-x's user avatar
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Setting up MaxQuant parameters for processing proteomics data

This is a follow up to my previous question here. In relevance to my research, I've been looking for proteomics data (control vs. diabetic) and I found a dataset in the article "Diabetes causes ...
Natasha's user avatar
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Heat map of protein expression from normalized abundance

This is a follow up to my question posted here Processing proteomics data In relevance to my research, I've been looking for proteomics data (control vs. diabetic) and I found a dataset in the article ...
Natasha's user avatar
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Help with performing PCA analysis on data from 3 different datasets of normalized counts data for RNA-seq experiment

So, I have limited knowledge of R but I need to do a PCA analysis of 3 different datasets of gene expression as a result of combined growth or mono-culture growth. The 3 different datasets I performed ...
Justin1609's user avatar
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How to perform a meta-analysis using data consisting of paired-end and single-end reads generated from Illumina and Ion Torrent?

So basically I have RNA-seq reads that were generated from Illumina and Ion Torrent platforms for yeast species. I have seen an article where they compared liver cells of a rat that were sequenced ...
Justin1609's user avatar
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Combining read counts from three separate GEO studies

I want to do differential expression analysis with DESEQ2. I have three read counts files downloaded from GEO (small RNAseq based) where the number of miRNAs and id is nearly the same. These studies ...
Megha's user avatar
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How to decide between standardized mean difference (SMD) and log2fold change (log2FC) before doing meta-analysis?

I want to do meta-analysis of alpha diversity between test and control groups across 10 different populations. I want to see what is the summed effect (pool effect) of intervention between the two ...
DEEP's user avatar
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Meta-analysis in R [closed]

I am completely new to meta-analysis and am a bit lost on how to proceed. I have two biomarker datasets; each one is using a different microarray platform. I have the protein names, the concentration ...
vdu12345's user avatar