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Questions tagged [python]

python is a programming language, widely used in bioinformatics

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Improving DNA Sequence Shuffling Code for Speed and Accuracy

I'm working on a Python script that shuffles DNA sequences while preserving their protein-coding potential. My goal is to adjust the codon usage in such a way that the ACGT (adenine, cytosine, guanine,...
Mr Fitch's user avatar
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Finding persistence length using OxDNA on python

on OxDNA's documentation, i found a code for determining persistence length. However, i have ran simulations for different number of bases on OxDNA and have the following text file as results: Columns ...
Katie Smith's user avatar
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pysam ignoring some reads?

I want to modify TEtools to be able to use pysam so it can accept bam. My version returns less read than the TE tools version. Can someone explain to me why my code returns fewer reads? From my ...
RomainL.'s user avatar
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What is the cross sectional area of DNA? Can we find persistence length using oxDNA?

i wish to determine the persistence length of double strand DNA with different bases (10 to 150). i found an equation: P= B_s/ K T where B_s is the bending stiffness and B_s= E * I where I is the ...
Katie Smith's user avatar
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Introducing a fixed number of random substitutions in a sequence

I'm writing a function that introduces $n$ substitutions inside a sequence of nucleotides. I have a working version, but I'm looking for any other ways of doing this: ...
bricoletc's user avatar
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Facing problem with BLASTx using BioPython in Google Colab

I'm trying to BLASTX a sequence using Biopython in Google Colab. Here is the code I am using. I'm not able to understand why I am getting an empty list [] for ...
Eshaan IITM's user avatar
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opensource PyMOL compiling-install issue

Hi I am playing a little bit with schrodinger / pymol-open-source Trying to figure out how : python install works I found documentation in pymol-open-...
pippo1980's user avatar
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How can I visualize protein secondary structure?

I'm currently working on a secondary structure prediction model and I'd like to visualize what will be predicted , the format of secondary structure sequence is consisted of 8 labels: G: 3-turn helix ...
BadCoder's user avatar
5 votes
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Waterman-Smith-Beyer implementation in Python

I am working on a text aligner to help me get a better understanding of specific steps necessary to perform sequence alignment. So far, things have been going great but I noticed yesterday that my ...
dawnandrew100's user avatar
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LigPlot (LigPlus) Giving Different Interactions on Command Line and GUI

I am trying to determine the interaction of the targeted amino acid with other amino acids, but I am having trouble. When I pass a PDB file of a protein that has ligands, I can see the interactions. ...
aspergillus's user avatar
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Is there a way to download all data containing amino acid sequence - secondary protein structure from protein data bank

Is there a way to download all data containing amino acid sequence - secondary protein structure from protein data bank( Or is there a way to extract the data programaticaly ...
BadCoder's user avatar
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Fixation index calculation from the vcf files

I used the Python script FSTest ( for the calculation of the fixation index from the extracted SNPs. I used the following command: ...
DJI's user avatar
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Python/R/bash script to ease the comparison of different protein complexes in PDB

I would like to create a table of comparison among similar protein complexes from the pdb. This would be based on their numbers of proteins and the presence of each protein. Is there any way like ...
BioTL's user avatar
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Multi-pattern search in aligned sequences

I am currently working on a bioinformatics problem where I need to lookup and count the location and count of occurences of 4000-ish 5 character long patterns in each sequence of a fasta file of 700GB....
Swathi Subramanyan's user avatar
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Running multiple sequence using on an HPC

I am trying to run a batch script to assemble sequences using the command on HPC. I tested the script with one sequence (1 forward and 1 reverse read) and this worked. I have 100 sequences ...
Lucy Kelly's user avatar
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Biopython / ETE3 get subtree of a newick tree

I can not find a good example how to extract a subtree from a phylogenetic tree with either library. I can load newick files etc, but not sure how to search for a ...
El Dude's user avatar
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Using Python for Monte Carlo simulation for predicting protein nucleation aggregation

I want to write a code for a Monte Carlo simulation to determine the maximum stable complexes in a protein nucleation reaction. Also, need to graph the results for the same. Here is the problem ...
Neeraj Roy's user avatar
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Does PGS Catalog limit the number of queries to their FTP server?

I am calculating a polygenic risk score (PGS) from the PGS Catalog using the following command: ...
Cristian Riccio's user avatar
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Trying to plot the results of GSEA in python

I'm having some major chaos with the output table generated and then passing that to my plot function. New to this (1st time), could somebody review this piece of code and suggest some corrections. I ...
aleksk31's user avatar
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How can I check if a PDB file is incomplete?

One of the requirements of simulating the protein chain is to check for missing atoms or residues. I.e., using software tools to identify (and, if necessary, model) any missing regions. How can I ...
user366312's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to design a synthetic wastewater FASTQ file that could be flagged as "engineered"?

I am an apprentice-level python user who occasionally works in medical laboratories and mainly does business work. I am presented with the unenviable task of orchestrating a proficiency test of some ...
grep grok's user avatar
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How to shade text in a table

I have currently made a tool that takes input sequences and maps them to a reference sequence highlighting it. You can then save the word document and it creates a table of the sequence name and the ...
LORL's user avatar
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Biopython PhyloTree to PyVis Network

We are trying to convert a Phylogenetic tree to networkx previously calculated with ...
El Dude's user avatar
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Single Node Deletion in Cheng and Church Algorithm

Cheng and Church Algorithm is a biclustering algorithm or an unsupervised learning task with which both rows and columns in a data matrix can be placed in concurrent clusters. In the original paper, ...
ShokofehVS's user avatar
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Q8 Accuracy Evaluation metric mathematical expression used in Protein Secondary Structure Prediction

I am working on Protein Secondary Structure Prediction using Recurrent Neural Network (GRU) model. I came across few open source projects which already worked on the similar problem. All of them are ...
Muhammad Usman's user avatar
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Calculating the segregating sites via tskit versus counting

Can you help me understand why I am getting different values when I calculate the segregating sites from tskit api versus manually counting? Thanks! Example data generation: ...
Isin Altinkaya's user avatar
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Fetching Protein Sequences through UniPROT gives ConnectionError

I have 193000 protein interactions in CSV named all_proteininteractions.csv which have query protein name in the 2nd column and partner protein in the 3rd like this:...
Anas Jamshed's user avatar
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conducting a ttest on a board of 1000 genes in 50 peope divided into to groups(A and B). pvalues are different each time

I am struggling in conducting at test on a board of 1000 genes in 50 individuals divided into to groups (A and B). I have a dataset of 1000 genes of two groups of people (total individuals=50) group A ...
biostefania's user avatar
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What versions of pip and python are appropriate for nsdpy?

I am currently trying to download all the requirements to make a COInr database, following this workflow; It requires a couple different ...
user avatar
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4 answers

Remove sequences from a fasta file with IDs from a text file using Python

a python beginner here. I have a fasta file with 2500+ sequences, and after doing some analysis I want to remove around 200+ sequences based on the matching IDs. Now, I have one fasta file (as sample....
Irfan's user avatar
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How to perform liftover from 38 to 37 in R?

I have some gwas summary statistics in GRCh38 that I want to lift to GRCh37. I am trying to liftover in R using this code: ...
DN1's user avatar
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Need help with binding DB API

Neeleshwar Pandey's user avatar
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PyRanges: drop specific record from an object

Given a specific PyRanges object, such as ...
Einar's user avatar
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What are some good miRNA databases?

I am writing a project proposal for my boss and it is on codon usage bias in the dystrophin protein and the spectrin-like repeats found in a hmmscan file using the longest dystrophin isoform protein ...
Rachel Sweeney's user avatar
-1 votes
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New to DNABERT confused about kmers input

I'm trying to use DNABERT to predict promoter regions. Right now, I have a df with 500k rows, 1st column is the DNA sequence (all different lengths), 2nd column says "promoter" vs. "non-...
user18482's user avatar
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retrieving past BLAST requests in bioPython

is there any way to retrieve a BLAST request made using the Biopython library using the request's query_id? Alternatively is it possible to retrieve a query_id before the blast result is complete, and ...
kama's user avatar
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Adding step size to cross validation in Python package lifelines

I'm using the Python package lifelines to build a CoxPH model where I reduce the step size to 0.1, like so: ...
skubali's user avatar
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BioPython SeqIO fails with Invalid Alphabet found

I am trying to store a GenBank file that could be read by Geneious later. I found an example how to create the GenBank file here But now I run into Alphabet issues. ...
El Dude's user avatar
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bcbio run not running samples in parallel

Sorry for the cross post but I'm not getting a response on bcbio github: I'm trying to run bcbio on 20 samples and it's only running one at a time as it steps through the yaml seemingly. I'm using ...
t_creasman's user avatar
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Error in snakemake when running conda envs in container

I am facing an issue when running snakemake with a container and conda. Let me explain better. I am developing a workflow (locally) in snakemake, where some rules use a conda env (defined in /envs/env....
DavideBrex's user avatar
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GWAS in python?

A question similar to this has also been asked on Biostars I understand GWAS is done with R, but are any written in Python? I'm used to python and java, acclimating to R will take a bit of time and my ...
Katherine's user avatar
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SNP How to detect regions of erratic pairwise alignment?

I have clusters of DNA sequences that contain some mutations. All the sequences in a cluster should contain the same mutations. As the mutations aren't known, those clusters of sequences were pairwise-...
Fravadona's user avatar
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ValueError: count not convert string to float

I'm trying to use a Python script to plot with a rolling window using pandas and seaborn. This code worked for the longest time but now it's giving me an error that I don't know how to fix. Here is ...
rimo's user avatar
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Compare files with similar names using placeholders/wildcards in Snakemake

In Snakemake I want to use two input files for comparison. The one file has a sample name (e.g. 526846), with an experimental id (e.g. EF_S13' and 'MF_S5'). The file I want to compare it to has the ...
Dandelion's user avatar
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Generating CIGAR strings for MSA with reference

I have a list containing the results of a MSA: ...
Fravadona's user avatar
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For loop in Python goes wrong

I have mutation status (0,1) for ten genes in ten cancer 3D models I have also gene expression in these 3D models, like ...
Zizogolu's user avatar
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How to pack up a Python script in the form a Dockerfile

I have a simple Python script with this header ...
Zizogolu's user avatar
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Looping over a list of cell models in Python

I have two data sets Mutations in 10 genes Gene expression in 18 cancer 3D models For every (mutation, gene) and gene expression pair we run an ANOVA test This is my data ...
Zizogolu's user avatar
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How can I develop a snakemake rule for all files in multiple directories?

I am a beginner in snakemake and I'm trying to develop a working flow. Imagine I have multiple folders and in each folder I have a tumour and normal sample files: ...
Anna1364's user avatar
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How to access yeast-cyc in a programmatic way to extract the GO terms?

I am a newbie in Bioinformatics, I want to extract the GO terms from yeast-cyc, which is items in the Go terms tab of this page , not ...
Mountain's user avatar
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