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"BLASTx for miRNA Annotation: Mature vs. Primary miRNAs as Query Sequences"

I am doing miRNA annotation of a plant genome. I have two files - one containing all the predicted mature miRNAs and another containing all the predicted primary miRNAs. I want to find out which are ...
learnwithscholar's user avatar
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Is there a database of oligonucleotide duplex sequences and their melting temperatures

I am looking for melting temperatures of oligonucleotide duplexes, but I am having trouble finding data. Can be DNA-DNA, DNA-RNA, or RNA-RNA duplexes, native or modified nucleotides.
biologist774's user avatar
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Is it possible to integrate a bulk and a pseudobulk (previously scRNA or snRNA seq) dataset

I have recently sequenced a bulk dataset. However one of my conditions has a lot of contamination from other cell types. I was thus thinking of using a publicly available single-cell dataset of my ...
John's user avatar
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Is it normal to have low mapping to bacterial genome in a total RNA sample of plant root-colonized bacterial cells?

I had isolated the total RNA from a sample of plant roots with colonized bacteria by excising the roots (harboring the bacterial cells) and crushing them into a powder using liquid nitrogen. The RNA ...
K_081's user avatar
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issue with rna seq analysis

I am working on RNA seq analysis and I would like to know the following things: Current Methods: downloaded genome fasta file for non-coding rna from ensembl and got the gtf file for hg38 performed ...
subhiksha sundaram's user avatar
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Sequence Alignment for sequences with the same length

I am doing research on a new method of optimizing sequence alignment process (Needleman - Wunsch algorithm) but the idea would only work with sequences that have the same length. I am wondering if ...
MirzaK's user avatar
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What are some good miRNA databases?

I am writing a project proposal for my boss and it is on codon usage bias in the dystrophin protein and the spectrin-like repeats found in a hmmscan file using the longest dystrophin isoform protein ...
Rachel Sweeney's user avatar
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HISAT2: RNA strandedness

My library is unstranded and the code I'm trying to use is this: ...
Neophytos Kouphou's user avatar
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Would DESeq2 be appropriate or should I use another tool for differential gene expression?

Hay, this question is sort of an extension of previous post. We have sequenced extra cellular RNA from culture media. Since the number of cells were limited, we did not have enough material for ...
Karthik Nair's user avatar
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Is there a method/web server to generate Position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) for nucleotide sequences (DNA/RNA)?

Just like, PSI-BLAST is avaialble to generate a PSSM matrix for peptides, is there a web server where we can generate PSSM for DNA/RNA? I want to find homologous sequences to a given RNA sequence.
majumderS's user avatar
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What is happening in the Zuker-Algorithm

I am trying to understand the Zuker Algorithm. What is happening during initialisation? I know in Nussinov the diagonal is filled with 0s. Are the diagonals filled with infinite energy during Zuker´s ...
Serij's user avatar
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What algorithm should I use to find what RNA sequence/structural elements lead to different labelled MFE values?

To put it super simply: I have RNA sequences, their optimal secondary structures, and the MFE values of those structures. I'm trying to computationally identity what structural elements and/or ...
joshua213p's user avatar
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Applying PCA or tSNE on non-numerical data

Reading through this t-sne blogpost and I'm a little unclear on how i'd use either of these algorithms here for my goals. i get it'd cluster my samples based on similarity in terms of first and second ...
joshua213p's user avatar
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Help with finding an unsupervised learning algorithm for RNA sequence/structure pattern identification

I have a bunch of RNA sequences (and their optimal secondary structures) and their corresponding energy values (measured by mean free energy) and I'm trying to find a way to identify features (...
joshua213p's user avatar
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How do I fix this limma line?

I'm trying to conduct lmFit on my fread::table matrix: ...
Feynman's user avatar
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Getting VCF file that contain common SNPs from 6 VCF file using isec

I have 6 VCF files, where I would like to obtain the SNPs that are common (by position) in all the 6 files. I have tried this command ...
Mohamed Samir's user avatar
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How to analyze hashtagged data with scanpy?

I used hashsolo to demultiplex my data and I am a bit confused as to how to continue the analysis. Following hashsolo my samples look like below: ...
pythonbeginner's user avatar
5 votes
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Integrating bulk RNA-Seq data with different sequencing depths and from different sources

I am attempting to integrate different bulk RNA-Seq datasets. While this is not ideal, I'm trying to reduce the technical variability in these datasets by using data generated by similar protocols (...
CodingSquirrel's user avatar
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How to calculate the Maximum Ladder Distance (MLD) of ssRNA from Dot-Bracket notation?

The ladder distance (LD) between residue i and residue j is the minimum number of base pairs (created due to secondary structure of the ssRNA) one has to cross when going from i to j. The Maximum ...
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Gene symbol list for all protein coding genes in mice

How can I get a csv or a list of the gene symbol names for all the protein coding genes in mice? I have RNA sequencing data and I'm not interested in the non-coding stuff. I'm worried it could mess ...
Angus Campbell's user avatar
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Is there a graphical/interactive 16S rRNA clustering method?

I've been doing phylogenetics with large (hundreds) 16S rRNA sequences lately. Usually I'm focusing on one order, and using a combination of trees and sequence similarity to assess stuff like 'is this ...
Laura's user avatar
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ExecutiveAlign error: atomic alignment failed (mismatched identifiers? )

So I have a molecule (a dsRNA) , that has two conformations. I want to align it in pymol with molecules but I get the following error: ExecutiveAlign error: atomic alignment failed (mismatched ...
majumderS's user avatar
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Is there a software that extract molecular descriptors of single stranded RNAs secondary structure from dot bracket notation in nucleotide resolution?

I want to generate descriptors from dot bracket notations of single stranded RNA/DNA secondary structures. So far i have come across this paper:
Gojih's user avatar
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Is it possible to create SMILES representation out of DNA/RNA-Oligonucleotides (~50 nts)?

I want to use physico chemical descriptors of single stranded DNA/RNA-Oligonucleotides in order to model certain properties. To generate these descriptors i need a computer understandable ...
Gojih's user avatar
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Is there a tool to visualize RNA secondary structure?

I want to manually fold and pair two sequences (U4 and U6). And I want to make niceish figures. I haven't found a single program that does that. thanks
user3392394's user avatar
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RNA folding at specific temperature with ViennaRNA in python

I am trying to get dot-bracket-notations of single stranded RNA via the ViennaRNA python package ( at different temperatures. I have read in the docs (https://www....
gojih's user avatar
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Is current AI able to generate RNA sequences of viruses? [closed]

After seeing a video of a combination of CRISPR and AI, and an article of someone who made two babies immune against HIV and still healthy, I wondered about something. If such complicated thing, to ...
Random user's user avatar
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Visualize RNA co-folded secondary structure with Python

I would like to visualize the secondary structure of co-folded RNA strands in Python, preferably in a Jupyter notebook. What are the recommended tools? Can anyone provide an example?
Ita's user avatar
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Adapter trimming

I am trying to do adapter trimming, alignment and sorting for a range of large scale paired end fastq files. The code I am using is given below: ...
Aranyak Goswami's user avatar
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Is loss/gain of function reflected in RNA-seq transcript counts?

Do LoF/GoF transcripts count toward the RNA-seq TPM count? Or would these LoF/GoF transcripts only be detected by isoform quantification?
Kermit's user avatar
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Expression analysis of miRNAs with normal RNA-seq data without small RNA-seq data

I am looking to perform expression analysis of miRNAs with normal RNA-seq data lacking small RNA-seq data? Which path should I choose for known miRNAs and unknown new miRNAs? Data set: rna-seq data ...
Burak Muhammed ÖNER's user avatar
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Transcriptome analysis

I am trying to assemble reads belonging to two different readlength. Is it a valid way since I am looking for common genes among the species I am assembling.
julierebecca's user avatar
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RNA strings and amino acid string

Which of the following RNA strings could translate into the amino acid string PRTEIN? (Select all that apply.) I am not sure if the following mass of amino acid is relevant to the question. ...
kevin's user avatar
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Basic RNA Differential Expression in R

I have two matrices, one for individuals before treatment and one for the same individuals after treatment. Both matrices are raw read counts of RNA expression. ...
aurelius_37770's user avatar
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rRNA genes missing from metagenomic bins; is there a way to recruit them?

I have a couple of metagenomic bins which are okay in quality, but often missing rRNAs (16S, 23S...). I assume this is due to high population variability, combined with the high conservation of rRNAs, ...
Laura's user avatar
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beginner RNA-seq Replicate papers

have a good R and statistical analysis background (also with machine learning). in addition, I'm a fresh biotechnology grad. I would like to try to replicate some Rna-seq analysis with R papers (with ...
Layan 's user avatar
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Pipeline for paired end RNA sequence data to proteins

Forgive the basic question here, but I'm super novice at this ... I have a series of paired-end RNA fastq files (e.g. SRR10720226_1.fastq.gz and ...
agf1997's user avatar
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Why is bulk RNA sequencing reflecting AVERAGE expression but not TOTAL expression of all cells?

When I am reading papers that compares bulk RNA sequencing and single-cell RNA sequencing, we often see papers describe bulk RNA seq measures the average cell expression. For example, in this paper ...
benson23's user avatar
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Error generating count data using featurecounts in R

I am doing some RNA analysis and am having issues trying to generate count data. I mapped my reads to a reference genome fasta file (genbank fasta file from ncbi) using bbmap and .sam files as the ...
user14648's user avatar
5 votes
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Why does the SARS-Cov2 genome has letter t [duplicate]

ATTAAAGGTT TATACCTTCC CAGGTAACAA ACCAACCAAC TTTCGAT... is part of the 5'UTR of genome of an RNA virus SARS-Cov-2. RNA contains letters ...
Pavel Pelan's user avatar
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What is meant by transcriptional changes executed by the cell over a time period?

I read the following line in the research paper - The dynamics and regulators of cell fate decisions are revealed by pseudotemporal ordering of single cells: During differentiation, for example, each ...
Deepak Tatyaji Ahire's user avatar
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How does FDRtool work?

I have a question about using FDRtool. In the below code (on RNA seq data whose p values were acquired using Deseq2), the FDRtool was first used and thereafter p.adjust using the benjamini hochberg ...
Emma's user avatar
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Parse RNA variant effect annotations ("r." format)

I've got annotations for splicing variants in a format like this (this is one variant): Variant: NM_004092.3:c.88+5G>A Effect: Retention; r.87_88ins1_88+10:p.(Ala31Glufs*23) I want to extract ...
Ron's user avatar
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Understanding ViennaRNA RNAdistance scoring table

I'm trying to compare the output of 2 different algorithms of RNA structure prediction (my implementation of Nussinov vs RNA-mfold algorithm) using the RNAdistance algorithm that is part of ViennaRNA ...
Eli Zatlawy's user avatar
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How to count RNA sequencereads using custom made python scripts?

I am trying to do RNA seq analysis and my goal is to filter gene counts less than 5 using custom made python scripts. The code chunk goes as follows ...
Aranyak Goswami's user avatar
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Is is possible to predict ncRNAs from sequence and homology alone?

I'm working with a set of homologous genes (let's call it gene A) from several bacterial species. I know (from previously published research) that in gene B (a close paralogue of gene A), there is a ...
Laura's user avatar
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I have used TER to break the long bonds of a chain in my PDB

I’m now not sure what I need to alter in my PDB to get it to work in leap. I know breaking the bonds turns the formerly connected residues into terminal residues. It keeps saying that 3 of my atoms no ...
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Are codons in RNA layered? Are we misinterpreting RNA codons?

I am analyzing nucleotide base-pair patterns in RNA and DNA, and had a thought about RNA and DNA (Let me first state though, I am not a biologist; I am an algorithmatician, employing a sort of ...
Jonathan Charlton's user avatar
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smallest length of reads in 3'quantseq?

I am studying about RNA seq, and especially about 3'Quantseq(tagseq, 3primeseq). I wonder if there is a cutoff for the reads length. By this I mean that given that 3'quantseq targets the end of the ...
user9656's user avatar
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Explaining the algorithm of RNA folding: what each symbol & value represents?

I need someone to explain to me from the nuts and bolts how algorithms/ maths is used to work out RNA folding. Explain it to me like I am an alien or child. I am looking at this paper - https://eprint....
confused_novice's user avatar