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Questions tagged [rna-alignment]

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7 votes
1 answer

How to interpret contig-alignment.psa produced by velvet

I'm using velvet to align given reads of RNA to given CDSs (i.e. coding areas and genes) of an organism, so I can generate gene-expression profiles. But after using ...
hhoomn's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How can I compute gene expression for a set of RNA reads?

I'm trying to compute a gene expression profile for an organism. I have gene nucleotide sequences of the mentioned organism stored in a fasta file and a set of paired reads stored in two separate ...
hhoomn's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Error creating indices using STAR

I am trying to index wheat genome using STAR through following command ...
Ammar Sabir Cheema's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Disk space error while aligning reads using STAR

Hi am trying to align RNA-seq reads using STAR through following commands, ...
Ammar Sabir Cheema's user avatar