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Questions tagged [rna-splicing]

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spliceAI not giving output value while running using vep (Variant Ensemble Predictor)

While generating the predictions using spliceAI from vep, I am not getting any values. I used this command to generate the output, ...
Sruthi's user avatar
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Workflow for identification of new splicing variants from RNA-seq data?

I'd like to perform a search for possibly unidentified splicing variants of a specific protein in A. Thaliana. I do not have my own RNA-seq data. It has been suggested to me to use this workflow: ...
micoay's user avatar
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On the same strand, for the same gene, can exons be overlapping?

I want to get a set of exon regions for each protein coding gene. I extracted a set of relevant information (chromosome, start, end, gene ID, gene name, gene type, exon number and exon ID) from a GTF ...
gc5's user avatar
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How to find an unidentified splicing variant of a protein?

I have some data indicating there might be a splicing variant of the Arabidopsis Thaliana protein I'm studying that has not been identified. Is there a database of i.e. RNA sequences (transcriptome?) ...
micoay's user avatar
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Parse RNA variant effect annotations ("r." format)

I've got annotations for splicing variants in a format like this (this is one variant): Variant: NM_004092.3:c.88+5G>A Effect: Retention; r.87_88ins1_88+10:p.(Ala31Glufs*23) I want to extract ...
Ron's user avatar
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BAM file filteing to remain best isoform

I ran HiSat2, MarkDuplicate, removed reads with the lower quality score than 40 and finally only kept properly paired reads. After the BAM filtering steps, I used the Scallop results with TransDecoder....
user977828's user avatar
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Do I need to study alternative splicing and isoformswitch separately?

I have done a study on isoform switch between different tissue type. Now, many people asking me to study alternative splicing also. But, dont they will give me same results? If there is a significant ...
user3377241's user avatar
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Is there a computational tool or possibility to identify mRNA isoforms from the count matrix of a bulk RNA sequencing dataset?

I have the counts matrix of an RNA sequencing dataset of fibroblasts and I wish to identify isoforms of a particular gene of interest in it. Can anyone please hint me on a bioinformatics method to ...
Charles's user avatar
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Coronavirus RNA structures?

Is there anything known about the RNA structures of coronaviruses? More specifically - do they have any interesting known structures in the translatable region, like RRE of HIV or the double loops in ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Practical use of RNA structure

I have spent some time studying RNA structures. While there is a range of interesting phenomena and functions that certainly deserve understanding from the scientific point of view, I have never ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Calculating p-value for introns which are retained (or not) between 2 conditions

I am trying to calculate p-values and ultimately FDR values for RI introns for 2 conditions of experiment I have(control and knockdown) For every condition I have 3 biological replicates each: 3 ...
user3138373's user avatar
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What are "split reads" and "intron clusters?"

I'm working through the example data set for LeafCutter and the documentation mentions "split reads": This will cluster together the introns fond [sic] in the junc files listed in test_juncfiles....
CelineDion's user avatar
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RNA velocity: competing explanations for variable ratio of spliced to unspliced transcript

In "RNA velocity of single cells", La Manno et al. look at ratios between spliced and unspliced mRNA as a way of estimating the velocity of a cell through transcriptome space. In checking for a ...
eric_kernfeld's user avatar
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Exon-exon junctions: compare experimental transcripts to reference annotation

My aim is to parse an experimental transcript set (obtained by RNAseq) to check which splice junctions are already reported in a reference annotation and which ones are new. I tried ...
aechchiki's user avatar
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Detect transcript isoform abundance for a specific gene in scRNA-seq

I want to detect the count of isoform transcripts for a specific gene in scRNA-seq data. Data is coming from cells of Mus Musculus. For transcript isoforms I mean the different alternatives provided ...
gc5's user avatar
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Intron retention events for a condition sample with 3 replicates

I have 3 biological replicates of RNA seq data for a particular condition. I want to find out intron retention events from those biological replicates for a given condition. There is no comparison I ...
user3138373's user avatar
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How can I find out the code DRIMSeq uses to make dmplotProportions objects?

I'm using DRIMSeq to do some analysis but I'd like to make my own figures from the results ideally using what they've done as a base. I'm trying to find how they make their ggplot objects in the ...
Sethzard's user avatar
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Convert local alignments to spliced alignments in SAM file

I mapped RNA reads to reference genome, using LAST in split mode, and converted the MAF alignment to SAM with maf-convert. My problem is that the transcripts are not reported in a spliced manner, ...
aechchiki's user avatar
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insert size pre and post trimming

I have a problem here with my rna seq data: Sequencing details: rRNA was removed, followed by cDNA preparation and generation of stranded libraries using the TruSeq Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit. ...
novicebioinforesearcher's user avatar
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How to represent trans-spliced genes in GTF?

For example, see this gene (nad1) in ENA: If you look at the XML for that gene you see the following: ...
Dan's user avatar
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Spliced vs. unspliced ratios for transcripts in RNA-seq data

Is there a computational tool for measuring what percentage of RNA is spliced in an RNAseq experiment? I'm not particularly interested in complicated analyses that give ratios for all possible ...
Jessime Kirk's user avatar