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Demultiplex double hashed cells using Seurat (R)

I am using Seurat to demultiplex my single-cell RNA data, which also has HTO data for hashing. Each cell is hashed once based off it's origin ie organ1, and then hashed based off the cell type ie cell ...
Odhran Casey's user avatar
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Error in dimnamesGets(x, value) when trying to read data using Seurat package

This question has also been asked on Biostars I am trying to create a Seurat object using the package "Seurat". When I am reading my raw files using the function ...
Gen's user avatar
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Creating new seurat object with new matrix

I'm trying to do a cross-species comparison between the patient TME vs. the PTX TME to understand gene expression conservation. I have already converted between mouse and human genes giving me a ...
mmpp's user avatar
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Which correlation method to compute the correlation score between different clusters of Sc-RNAseq data?

I'm analyzing single cell rna-seq data and trying to compute the correlation score between different clusters. Wondering how to choose the correlation method("pearson" (default), "kendall", or "...
sophia's user avatar
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Using Seurat to compare mutant vs.wt

I am interested in using Seurat to compare wild type vs Mutant. I don't know how to use the package. How can I test whether mutant mice, that have deleted gene, cluster together?
hua's user avatar
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Changing a wide range of colours to a limited gradient

I returned a FeaturePlot from Seurat to ggplot. My plot has a weird range of colours as below I produced this plot by this code ...
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