> Input file: LOCUS XM_012540068 1713 bp mRNA linear MAM 11-JAN-2018 DEFINITION PREDICTED: Sarcophilus harrisii cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX15 homolog (LOC100925550), mRNA. ACCESSION XM_012540068 VERSION XM_012540068.2 DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA167725 KEYWORDS RefSeq; corrected model. SOURCE Sarcophilus harrisii (Tasmanian devil) ORGANISM Sarcophilus harrisii Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Metatheria; Dasyuromorphia; Dasyuridae; Sarcophilus. COMMENT MODEL REFSEQ: This record is predicted by automated computational analysis. This record is derived from a genomic sequence (NW_003816462.1) and transcript sequence (GEDN01126617.1) annotated using gene prediction method: Gnomon, supported by EST evidence. Also see: Documentation of NCBI's Annotation Process On Jan 11, 2018 this sequence version replaced XM_012540068.1. ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Status :: Full annotation Annotation Name :: Sarcophilus harrisii Annotation Release 102 Annotation Version :: 102 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI eukaryotic genome annotation pipeline Annotation Software Version :: 8.0 Annotation Method :: Best-placed RefSeq; Gnomon Features Annotated :: Gene; mRNA; CDS; ncRNA ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## ##RefSeq-Attributes-START## assembly gap :: added 136 transcript bases to patch genome assembly gap ##RefSeq-Attributes-END## PRIMARY REFSEQ_SPAN PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER PRIMARY_SPAN COMP 1-136 GEDN01126617.1 1-136 137-327 AEFK01003589.1 1071-1261 328-450 AEFK01003589.1 2007-2129 451-637 AEFK01003589.1 2869-3055 638-805 AEFK01003589.1 6071-6238 806-887 AEFK01003591.1 516-597 888-1042 AEFK01003591.1 1431-1585 1043-1156 AEFK01003591.1 4257-4370 1157-1713 AEFK01003591.1 6191-6747 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1713 /organism="Sarcophilus harrisii" /mol_type="mRNA" /db_xref="taxon:9305" /chromosome="1" /map="unlocalized" /sex="female" gene 1..1713 /gene="LOC100925550" /note="The sequence of the model RefSeq transcript was modified relative to its source genomic sequence to represent the inferred CDS: added 136 bases not found in genome assembly; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Gnomon. Supporting evidence includes similarity to: 10 ESTs, 11 Proteins, and 100% coverage of the annotated genomic feature by RNAseq alignments, including 5 samples with support for all annotated introns" /db_xref="GeneID:100925550" CDS 53..1288 /gene="LOC100925550" /note="The sequence of the model RefSeq protein was modified relative to its source genomic sequence to represent the inferred CDS: added 84 bases not found in genome assembly" /codon_start=1 /product="cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX15 homolog" /protein_id="XP_012395522.2" /db_xref="GeneID:100925550" /translation="MMRLLFPPLKAVLGSPGVRLQAAGGAHRCGCHYGQKLSLLQRQH STLSEVALQSGRGAVSVPTKAAQRIMGRWLLVCSGTVAGAVILGGVTRLTESGLSMVD WHLIKGMKPPTSQEEWEAEFQKYQQFPEFKILNHNMTLAEFKFIWYMEYSHRMWGRIV GLAYVLPTVYFWRKGWLTHGMKGRVLALCGLVCFQGLLGWYMVKSGLEEKPDSYDIPR VSQYRLAAHLGSALVLYCASLWTGLSLLLPRDKLPETRKLLQLRRFAHGTAGLVFLTA LSGAFVAGLDAGLVYNSFPKMGDHWIPEDLFTFSPVLRNVFENPTMVQFDHRVLGIAT VTAITGLYFFSRRIPLPRRAKMAVTTLLAVAYAQVALGISTLLTYVPTPLAAVHQSGS LALLSIALWLMNELRRIPK" ORIGIN 1 gtggggcgac cgagggaggc cgctgcgagg ctgtgacttt gagactcgcg cgatgatgcg 61 attgctgttt cctcctctga aagcggtgct gggcagtccg ggcgtccggc tgcaggctgc 121 tgggggagct caccggtgcg gttgccatta tgggcaaaag ctctctctct tgcaaagaca 181 gcacagtact ctgtctgaag tagctttgca gtctggaagg ggagcagtgt ctgtccccac 241 aaaggctgcc cagcgcatta tgggtcgttg gctcttggtc tgcagcggaa cagtagcagg 301 agcggtgatt cttggtggag tgactaggtt gacagagtct gggctctcca tggtagattg 361 gcacttgata aaaggaatga aaccacccac aagccaagaa gaatgggaag cagagttcca 421 aaaataccag cagtttccag aatttaaaat cttgaaccat aacatgacat tagcagaatt 481 caagtttatc tggtacatgg aatactcaca cagaatgtgg ggtcggattg tgggcctagc 541 atatgtcctt cccactgtct acttttggag aaagggctgg ctcacccatg gcatgaaagg 601 tcgtgttctt gccctctgtg gtttagtctg tttccaggga ctgttggggt ggtatatggt 661 gaagagtgga ttagaagaaa agccagattc ttatgacatc cctcgggtga gccagtatcg 721 tctggccgct cacttgggct ctgcccttgt cctctactgt gccagcttgt ggactggact 781 ctccctcttg cttcctcgag acaagttgcc agaaacccga aagctcttgc agctgaggcg 841 atttgctcat gggacagcag gcctggtttt ccttacagct ctttcaggag cctttgtggc 901 aggcctggat gctggacttg tatacaactc ctttcctaag atgggagacc actggatccc 961 agaagatctc tttaccttct ctccagttct tagaaatgtc tttgagaatc caaccatggt 1021 gcagtttgat catcgagtcc tgggaatcgc tacagtcaca gccattactg gactttactt 1081 cttctccagg agaatccctc ttcctcgaag ggccaaaatg gcagtgacaa cattgctggc 1141 tgtggcctat gcacaggtgg ccttgggcat tagtactcta ctaacgtatg ttccaactcc 1201 tttggctgca gttcaccagt cagggtccct cgctttgctc agcattgccc tttggcttat 1261 gaacgaactg aggcgaatcc caaagtaatg cccaggcagg tatttttctg gactcttccc 1321 aggcttttga gagctctgta gagggcatga ggcttccctc ctgttgaatt aaagaattga 1381 tgtggtagac agatcagaag atcaagaatg aagttactga tctgaggatt ctttttcaga 1441 ctaaacaaac tactcttctt ccataagttg tcacttgctt tttaatgtgc tattaagatc 1501 ccttccaact ttcactactc tgattctttt gatacagcaa taccactgat aggtctgtgt 1561 ctcagagttg ggagggaggg aaggaaaaaa aaaacttttt gtacaaacgt acaaaactat 1621 agtagttcct tttgtgggaa ctaaaataag gaaattttct ttctttttta tttattcgtt 1681 ttcaacattt acttttataa gatttagatt ttc // > My code: tr "\"" " " < XM_012540068.2.gb | egrep -v "/db_xref= taxon" | awk -F= '/GeneID:|(gene|product|protein_id|translation)=/{print $2}' | sort -u > What I get: GeneID:100925550 LOC100925550 MMRLLFPPLKAVLGSPGVRLQAAGGAHRCGCHYGQKLSLLQRQH XP_012395522.2 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX15 > What I want: GeneID:100925550 LOC100925550 MMRLLFPPLKAVLGSPGVRLQAAGGAHRCGCHYGQKLSLLQRQH...(sequence goes on...) XP_012395522.2 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX15 homolog > Preferably, it has to be a mastercode for every GenBank-file. For a project I've got to loop through 78 GenBank-files, and extract the same data.